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Free previews from keynote speakers at OPI’s European Forum 2023
Free previews from keynote speakers at OPI’s European Forum 2023
The OPI European Forum is taking place in Amsterdam from 22-24 May 2023, but you can listen now to three of its keynote presenters. In this episode of OPI Talk, OPI Director Janet Bell goes through some of the highlights in store for attendees. You can also hear extracts of interviews with three high-level speakers who will be presenting and leading roundtables on key topics at the event: James Brown, Senior Partner & Managing Director UK at Simon-Kucher & Partners: managing pricing in an inflationary environment.Mick Heys, VP of Imaging & Future of WorkSpace Practice Lead at IDC EMEA: the relevance of the office and opportunities for the business products channel.Perry Timms, founder & Chief Energy Officer at People and Transformational HR (PTHR): tackling human resources issues and developing great teams. These are parts of more in-depth interviews that can be found on a new OPI webinar. To watch that webinar, click here. The early rate that offers significant discounts (in the hundreds of euros) on the standard price of attending the European Forum ends at midnight (UK time) on Sunday 30 April. Find out how to book your place on the Forum web page. The European Forum is just one of several events that OPI is organising in the coming months. These include a number of Executive Dinners that are exclusively open to OPI’s VIP, Corporate and Ultimate members. More details of memberships can be found here. In November, the OPI team will be heading to Chicago for the annual Global Forum, which is tailored specifically for leaders in the international workplace products segment. Registration is now open, with a $755 discount on the standard rate available until 30 June. As Janet mentioned in the podcast, she is currently taking part in the annual retreat of the Office Products Women in Leadership (OPWIL) organisation. Any female executives who are interested in finding out more about OPWIL or are interested in joining should click on this link.   Episode recorded and edited by Andy Braithwaite Music by: Extreme Energy by MusicToday80: https://soundcloud.com/musictoday80/r... Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by Free Vibes: https://goo.gl/NkGhTg