#30 - 3 Ways YouTube Hijacks Your Kids' Brain (And How to Stop It!)

The Dad Vibes: Parenting Truths

09-09-2024 • 9 mins

Are you concerned about your child’s YouTube habits and their screen time? In this video, I explore three alarming ways to help parents understand how YouTube hijacks our kids' brains, and why it's so difficult to get them to turn it off. Plus, I share some actionable tips to help your family use YouTube more healthily. Check out my guide and checklist to help your child use YouTube in a healthier way - https://www.thedadvibes.com/healthy-youtube-habits 📖 FURTHER READING: Emily Cherkin, screen time consultant - https://thescreentimeconsultant.com/about-emily Amanda Kloer, a campaign director with the child safety group ParentsTogether - https://parentstogetheraction.org/online-safety-team/ Donna Volpitta, Ed.D., founder of The Center for Resilient Leadership - https://www.understood.org/en/people/baac933182144b13bcad2d82a3252d7a