My Thoughts On The DNC
Today, I'll be sharing my thoughts on the DNC convention, which was nothing short of atrocious. From the speeches to the messaging, it was a display of everything wrong with the current direction of the Democratic Party. Kamala Harris’s speech stood out as particularly disturbing, but the low point for me, as a Pro-Lifer, was the abortion ice cream truck outside the event, performing abortions.Our country is at a major crossroads—we need to choose Trump, Christianity, and Capitalism, not Kamala, atheism, and Communism. Tune in as I break down why this choice is critical for the future of America.—Support the show! https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/FZKNL65KMHHQW—https://noblegoldinvestments.com/?utm_campaign=21243613394&utm_source=g&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=noble%20gold&seg_aprod=&ad_id=698073353666&utm_source=google&affiliate_source=googleads_brand_bmbc&utm_term=noble%20gold&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADQ2DzJTfDUkcqIuY8DrtSQfEaKuJ&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrKu2BhDkARIsAD7GBovjLMq30WSaAFTR2a3RfZJVyM9xNXHLethpxQtbXGFyYcawBKn5vewaAkT8EALw_wcB—Listen to my interview with America's Strongest Man, Anthony Diehl, on how to be a strong, biblical man in today's weak, godless culture: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/uncommon-sense-with-ginny-robinson/id1589697894?i=1000664654401