On this special extended edition of Ignite Involvement we welcome Nerilee Ceatha, Ayrton Kelly and Tara Killeen. Nerilee Ceatha is a SPHeRE PhD scholar at UCD exploring protective factors that promote LGBTI+ youth wellbeing. They met Ayrton and Tara through their work on the oversight committee for the Irish LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy Strategy.
Ayrton Kelly was a member of the Youth Advisory Group (YAG) and oversight committee for the Strategy. He represented the YAG on the subgroup ‘Connected, respected and contributing to their world’.
Tara Killeen was also a YAG member and the YAG representative on the subgroup ‘Safe and protected from harm’.
Together, they have co-authored a book chapter [Visible, valued and included: Prioritising youth participation in policy-making for the Irish LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy] and a number of research publications together.
Here, Nerilee, Aryton and Tara speak with Dr. Emma Dorris, programme manager for the PPI Ignite Network @ UCD, about LGBTI+ youth involvement in both policy and research.