

Two Dads and a Lewis join together to form the Triforce! Filled to the brim with dad chat, gaming rambles, life stories and the comedy sci-fi series: Bodega! Join the series either here or on YouTube: read less

Our Editor's Take

Triforce! is a UK-based podcast created by three dads who like to talk to each other and laugh. The hosts are Pyrion Flax (or Pflax), Sips, and Lewis. They talk about video games, anime, and the minutiae of daily life. This includes travel, food, and friendship. No topic would be inappropriate for this show, but the hosts' language often is. The energy is friendly and welcoming, but the humor tends to be adult. This is the podcast version of their YouTube show.

The name of the show is a combination of things. There are three hosts, of course. Triforce! is also a reference to The Legend of Zelda. This podcast started in 2015. But the hosts still have plenty to talk about with each other through many hundreds of episodes. The Triforce! conversations are different each episode. Yet they are all entertaining.

In one episode, they talk about seeing London from their children's perspective. In another episode, they debate Taylor Swift-and her rabid fan base. They think the Swifties are extreme but they acknowledge that many gamers can be just as extreme. In one of their "Mailbag" episodes, Lewis talks about the blowback he received about his opinion of the singer. Other topics include everything from nude beaches to the way hotel rooms sound.

The hosts like to tease each other. Yet the conversations stay good-natured. There are a lot of inside jokes, which longtime listeners will understand. Triforce! episodes are about an hour long, and new ones drop every week.

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