Where Your Treasure Is...

Simon Glazier and Bex Elder

How does Christian teaching on managing our finances well tie in with the modern UK financial system? Your hosts, Bex & Simon, will help you navigate the key issues of financial planning and advice with reflections on, and references to, key biblical principles that should underpin our approach to money, wealth and possessions. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


S8 Ep 10: Top 10 Faith and Finance Priorities for Christians in Business with Jim Grimmer
S8 Ep 10: Top 10 Faith and Finance Priorities for Christians in Business with Jim Grimmer
In the final episode of this Faith and Finance Top 10s season, Jim Grimmer, founder of P3 Business Care shares his top ten faith and finance priorities for Christians in business.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Jim introduces himself and talks about P3 Business Care (a community interest company and social enterprise) [01:17], before going on to explain how he became a Christian. [03:25]Jim’s first top tip is to have integrity in all transactions, ‘doing the right thing even when no one’s watching’. Proverbs 10.9 adds weight to this point: ‘Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.’ [05:20]Top tip number two is to approach every aspect of business through the lens of being ‘a good steward’ of the finance and resources with which God has entrusted us. [07:04]Thirdly, Jim highlights the importance of seeking wisdom from God (James 1.5), ethical decision-making and standing firm on our convictions. [08:46]Next, Jim talks about generosity and giving as ‘a heart issue’, as illustrated by 2 Corinthians 9.7: ‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ He goes on to suggest a number of ways in which businesses can be generous in both financial and practical ways. Bex draws attention to the additional content on ‘Giving’ that was covered in Season 5 of this podcast. [10:28]Jim emphasises the importance of valuing employees, treating them fairly and upholding dignity in the workplace. [11:44]Jim suggests that financial literacy and education should be prioritised in order to equip employees to carry out business tasks and to help them deal with challenges and issues that could otherwise have a detrimental effect upon their wellbeing. [14:31] From personal experience, Jim describes some of the benefits – including accountability, collaboration and mutual encouragement - of developing faith-based, business-related communities and networks. [16:51]Another key point from Jim, and one that epitomises how P3 Business Care operates, is faith integration: weaving our beliefs into business practices. As well as enabling Christians to be fully themselves in the workplace, this approach can create nurturing and inspiring environments. When, for example, leaders model faith-driven decision-making, prioritising people over profits, this can set the agenda in a stimulating and very positive manner. [18:46]Jim’s penultimate tip is to avoid debt, not least because a business taking on debt can become obligated to those from whom they borrow, as suggested by Proverbs 22.7: ‘The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.’ Jim and Bex go on to mention Christians Against Poverty, which is a debt charity that can provide great support for anyone grappling with debt issues. [21:58]Jim’s final top tip, and the hundredth of this season, is to seek God’s guidance in decision-making through prayer and discernment. He explains some of the practical ways in which P3 Business Care seeks to put into practice the verses from Proverbs 3 that led to ‘P3’ being used in its name: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.’ [24:56]The next season of the podcast, airing in 2025, will look at financial matters associated with churches and charities; anyone involved in those areas is encouraged to send in requests for topics to be discussed. [28:43]Suggestions or feedback...
S8 Ep 9: Top 10 Money Tips for Teenagers with Dave Hall, Youth Pastor
S8 Ep 9: Top 10 Money Tips for Teenagers with Dave Hall, Youth Pastor
In Episode 9 of this Faith and Finance Top 10s season, guest contributor, Dave Hall, shares his top ten money tips for teenagers.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Dave introduces himself [01:24], explaining how he became a Christian [01:57] and the steps that led him to become Youth Pastor of Catalyst Vineyard Church, Aberdeen. [03:26]Dave’s first top tip is to be a good steward. [06:12]Top tip number two is to live simply and to be generous with any surplus. [07:56]Thirdly, Dave highlights the importance of regarding money as a tool. Of itself, it is neither good nor bad; rather, it is ‘the love of money’ (1 Timothy 6. 10) that creates issues. [10:17]Next, Dave uses the example of King David (2 Samuel 24) to illustrate the importance of giving ‘until you feel it’ in response to God’s love and out of a desire to bless others. [12:31]Another key point for teenagers to take on board is to realise that the way that they use their money can have significant and far-reaching consequences. [15:26]Dave draws attention to the ways in which teenagers are influenced these days and suggests that they are more interested than we might think in receiving input from wise, genuine, trusted adults whom they know. [18:18] Arising from his own experience, Dave’s next tip is to learn budgeting, with the Christians Against Poverty Money Course being recommended as one good source of information and instruction on this topic. [21:57]Dave also feels that teenagers can benefit hugely from learning the value of saving and also of delaying gratification. [23:06]Dave’s penultimate tip is to be open and accountable about money matters, with ‘loud budgeting’ receiving a mention as a relatively new trend that could be helpful in this regard. [25:26]Dave’s final top tip is to have conversations about money little and often rather than relying on lengthy, one-off discussions. [27:28]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S8 Ep 8: Top 10 Tips for Christians in the Workplace
S8 Ep 8: Top 10 Tips for Christians in the Workplace
In Episode 8 of this Faith and Finance Top 10s season, Simon and Bex discuss ten top tips for Christians in the Workplace.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon’s first top tip is to know what we think about money and to have a good grasp of key values that will determine how we deal with financial matters in the workplace. [01:48]Top tip number two is to know why we are working, beyond simply to acquire money to pay the bills. Simon recommends ‘God at Work’ by Ken Costa as a book that can be helpful and thought-provoking on this theme. [04:16]Thirdly, Simon highlights the desirability of understanding the financial world and its challenges, issues and complexities. [07:52]Next, Simon talks about the importance of bringing our work before God on a regular basis. [10:08]Another key point is to talk openly with others about our work and, in particular, to endeavour to find peers operating in a similar line of work with whom we can share insights and queries. [12:08]Top tip number six is to embed generosity and giving into our beliefs and actions around work and the workplace. [14:37]In addition, the ability to develop and apply our values across a whole range of workplace situations can really help us to respond consistently in a godly and appropriate manner to new challenges and predicaments. [17:12]There can also be great advantages in building up a network of contacts with relevant skills and knowledge who can help us to anticipate issues, as well as being available to provide support, wisdom and encouragement in a bespoke and meaningful manner when necessary. [19:42]Simon’s penultimate tip is to encourage us to be bold and courageous in the workplace, to respond to prompts from our conscience and to stand up for what we believe to be right. [21:47]Simon’s final top tip is to reread Proverbs regularly because it has so much to say about money that can bring wisdom, thought-provoking insight and a godly perspective. [24:25]In the penultimate episode in this season, a guest contributor in the form of Dave Hall, youth pastor, will be giving his top ten tips for young people wanting to manage their money well. [25:52]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S8 Ep 7: Top 10 Tips for Preparing for Retirement
S8 Ep 7: Top 10 Tips for Preparing for Retirement
In Episode 7 of this Faith and Finance Top 10s season, Simon and Bex discuss ten top tips in connection with preparing for retirement.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon’s first top tip when planning for retirement is to start early. [01:14]Top tip number two is to try to keep abreast of the current, basic rules affecting pensions. Various websites such as Gov.UK, Money Saving Expert and those belonging to debt charities, such as Christians Against Poverty, can be very helpful in this regard. [03:17]Thirdly, Simon stresses the importance of maximising one’s State Pension eg by buying additional years, if need be. The Money Saving Expert website has some particularly helpful articles on this topic. [06:10]A tip for those who are one or two years off retirement is to maximise their pension contributions during that period. [08:57]Because of the number of different pension schemes available these days, the next tip is to ensure that you understand fully the nature of your pension arrangements and, in particular, the best way of taking money out of your pension(s). [10:09]Simon explains why it is important to create a retirement budget and to take account of how the cost of living might change over time. [11:49]The next priority identified by Simon is to collate information about your possible sources of income during retirement so that your plans can be as realistic as possible. [15:32]Simon suggests that, depending on circumstances, a useful tip for some people could be to consider consulting a financial planner. [17:10]Simon’s penultimate tip is to start applying for pensions early; don’t wait until just before you retire as it’s not an instant process. [20:15]Simon’s final top tip is to consider phased retirement, if that is an option for you. [21:51]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S8 Ep 6: Top 10 Tips for Dealing with Debt
S8 Ep 6: Top 10 Tips for Dealing with Debt
In Episode 6 of this Faith and Finance Top 10s season, Simon and Bex discuss ten top tips for dealing with debt.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon’s first top tip for dealing with debt if it has become an issue for us is to admit that we are ‘in debt’. [01:21]Top tip number two is to quantify and define our debt, including acknowledging the situation if the debt is best described as being ‘unmanageable’. [04:37]Thirdly, Simon stresses the importance of asking for help and support, especially if the debt is ‘unmanageable’, in which case professional assistance is available from the likes of Christians Against Poverty. [06:37]Next, Simon highlights the need to make a list of all our debts and their details because an effective action plan cannot be drawn up without that information. [08:50]When implementing an action plan, we should aim to create a balance between achieving our repayment goals as quickly as possible and building in budgetary resilience that will keep us on track even when unexpected expenditure occurs. [10:03]Simon outlines a couple of ‘snowballing’ options that can be used as the core element of a plan to pay down the debts we owe. [12:24]Tackling debt issues can be challenging and emotionally draining, so Simon encourages us to celebrate our debt-related ‘victories’ – which can come in a variety of different forms - in an appropriate and meaningful manner. [15:32]Simon explains how we can consolidate and rationalise our debts without having to pay a third party to do this for us. [18:08]Simon’s penultimate tip is to avoid short-term thinking; taking the long view is a real key to success when it comes to debt management. [20:13]Simon’s final top tip is to allow our attitude to money to be shaped by the biblical principle of avoiding the love of money and, instead, use money as a way of expressing love to others. [22:05]The next episode in this season will comprise ten top tips about preparing for retirement. [24:32]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S8 Ep 5: Top 10 Tips for Investing
S8 Ep 5: Top 10 Tips for Investing
In Episode 5 of this Faith and Finance Top 10s season, Simon and Bex discuss their Top 10 Tips for Investing.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon’s first top tip on this subject is to consider the investing options for our financial circumstances only once we have put in place the foundational budgetary practices that best suit our needs. [01:36]Top tip number two is to be clear about our objectives (‘give every pound a purpose’) and to understand the timescale for each objective. [03:52]Thirdly, Simon explains the importance of understanding the nature of risk and of being able to evaluate the level of risk associated with the options available to us at any one time. [05:46]Next, Simon suggests that minimising investment-related costs is a sensible approach to take and, if done thoughtfully, can be achieved without compromising the benefits that we are aiming to receive from investing. [07:26]On a related note, Simon highlights the advantages of maximising the various tax efficiency options that are legitimately available to us. [09:50]When it comes to the practicalities of how and when to invest, Simon suggests that keeping things simple by automating our investing (and creating a ‘pound cost averaging’ approach through that process) can be helpful and cost-effective. [12:25]Simon would also encourage us to review our investments from time to time (eg annually) but would urge us not to check on them frequently because they are long-term processes that can involve significant, but irrelevant, fluctuations in the short-term. [13:36]In addition, Simon would advise against trying to ‘time the market’. [15:26]Simon’s penultimate tip is to take an evidence-based approach so that we avoid being drawn into ‘speculating’ rather than ‘investing’. [18:27]Simon’s final top tip is to recognise the significance of investment decisions by researching the options thoroughly and by taking appropriate advice (which can generally be available without incurring cost). [20:29]The next episode in this season will focus on top tips for dealing with debt. [23:02]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S8 Ep 4: Top 10 Tips on Giving and Being Generous
S8 Ep 4: Top 10 Tips on Giving and Being Generous
In Episode 4 of this Faith and Finance Top 10s season, Simon and Bex discuss their Top 10 Tips for Giving and Being Generous.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon’s first top tip for giving and being generous is to give first and then budget with what is left. [01:17]Top tip number two is to decide how much to give before we decide to whom we wish to give. [04:34]Thirdly, Simon explains the principle of giving regularly but also on an ad hoc basis. [06:13]Next, Simon talks about the benefits of being deliberate in the act of giving even when it happens through an automated process. [07:01]Simon highlights the importance of using the likes of Gift Aid and automated money transfer options (such as standing orders and direct debits) to help us to be as efficient as possible in our giving. [09:37]Another important element to prioritise is to review our giving on a regular basis. [11:29]Simon explains why he would suggest that we commit ourselves to giving to a cause for a specific period of time and communicate that arrangement clearly to those to whom we are giving. [13:13]Simon encourages us to include others in our giving endeavours so that they can learn from that involvement and can be inspired to go on to experience for themselves the joy and benefits of being generous. [15:26]Simon’s penultimate tip is to be inquisitive about the charities to which we are giving and to develop a meaningful connection with them. [18:06]Simon’s final top tip is to recognise that giving isn’t just about money; there are many ways in which we can make significant contributions to the charities that we wish to support. [19:49]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S8 Ep 3: Top 10 Tips for Practical Budgeting
S8 Ep 3: Top 10 Tips for Practical Budgeting
In the third episode of this Faith and Finance Top 10s season, Simon shares his Top 10 Tips for Practical Budgeting.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon’s first top tip for practical budgeting is to itemise carefully all of our income so that we know how much money will be coming in monthly and over the course of a year. [01:43]Because of the great importance of giving and being generous (as discussed in Season 5), Simon suggests that top tip number two should be to decide how much we are going to give. [04:02]Thirdly, Simon highlights the importance of prioritising budgetary items through a process of identifying essential payments and then discretionary items, with the latter category being ranked according to their importance to us. [05:33]Top tip number four is ‘Write it down!”. [07:33]Next, Simon suggests that we should ensure that we review our financial commitments regularly. [09:32]Simon explains the ‘three bank account system’, which can help us manage our money according to the type of expenditure involved; ‘pots’ that are available through banking apps can be used to achieve the same outcome. [11:06]Simon explains how we can put in place an arrangement for coping with less frequent, but potentially very significant, expenses [14:22]Another key principle is to focus on reducing and then eliminating any debts that we may have. [17:16]Simon’s penultimate point is that we should try to balance our budget on an ongoing basis so that we are living within our means. [20:39]Simon’s final top tip on practical budgeting is to develop the habit of saving to buy rather than borrowing to buy. [22:21]The focus of the next episode in this season will be on generosity when Simon and Bex will discuss ten top tips relating to giving well and effectively. [24:28]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S8 Ep 2: Top 10 Ways to Achieve a Healthy Relationship with Money
S8 Ep 2: Top 10 Ways to Achieve a Healthy Relationship with Money
In the second episode of this season of Faith and Finance Top 10s, Simon talks about his Top 10 Ways to Achieve a Healthy Relationship with Money.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon explains that this episode is designed to be a practical guide to developing a healthy relationship with money. [01:10]Simon’s first top tip is budgeting because of the immediate, practical benefits of putting in place a deliberate and organised way of managing money. [01:29]Top tip number two is to recognise that our relationship with money can have a strong emotional aspect, which needs to be understood and managed. [03:46]Thirdly, Simon stresses the importance of establishing healthy and wholesome priorities, as captured by the saying, ‘Use money and love people; don’t use people and love money’. [05:38]Next, Simon suggests that it is worthwhile to be aware of, and to reflect on, the idea of ‘the marginal return of money’. This theory acknowledges that money can be very important and desirable for people with little or no money but suggests that once someone has ‘enough money’, ‘more is not always better’. Bex draws attention to a BBC Radio 4 ‘Money Box’ episode on this theme, which may be of interest to listeners. [06:21]Simon encourages listeners to avoid accumulating more and more possessions; instead, a thoughtful and well considered approach of buying ‘experiences’ can prove to be beneficial, especially when used to deepen and enhance relationships with others. [08:46]Another principle that can have emotional as well as practical benefits is, ‘Pay now; consume later’. [10:48]Simon also highlights the importance of ‘valuing things that money can’t buy’ and of freeing up time to spend on the activities and people that are most important to us. [14:31]’Making it a treat’ is another approach that can help us to use our money in an effective and fulfilling manner. [17:17]Simon’s penultimate point is the vital one of making sure that we talk about money with others normally, naturally and regularly. [19:05] Simon’s final tip for developing a healthy relationship with money is to make a habit of saving regularly, even if that involves only small amounts at a time. [21:33]The next episode in this season will focus on top tips for practical budgeting. [23:40]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S8 Ep 1: Top 10 Bible Passages about Money and Possessions
S8 Ep 1: Top 10 Bible Passages about Money and Possessions
In the first episode of this season of Faith and Finance Top 10s, Simon selects his Top 10 Bible Passages about Money and Possessions.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon and Bex start off the episode by explaining that this new season will comprise ten ‘Top Ten’ lists on a faith and finance theme, starting off with Simon’s favourite ten biblical passages about money and possessions. [00:52]Simon’s first choice is a verse which underpins many of the comments that he has made about stewardship in this podcast - Psalm 24.1: ‘The Earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it’. [03:17]Being disciplined in giving is a theme covered in Simon’s second selection, 1 Corinthians 16.1-2: ‘Now about the collection for the Lord’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.’ [05:10]Simon’s third verse (Mark 12.43) makes a significant contribution to the topic of how much we should give: ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.’ [07:13]Simon uses the well-known expression, ‘God loves a cheerful giver’ (from 2 Corinthians 9.7) to introduce some comments about the importance of our attitude when we give. [09:11]Simon then comments on Acts 4.32-37, especially verses 34-35: ‘For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.’ [11:40]Simon draws attention to how love can be expressed through the use of money, as illustrated through the ‘Parable of the Good Samaritan’ and Luke 10.35, in particular: ‘The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. “Look after him,” he said, “and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.”.’ [14:14]Simon’s next choice, Matthew 6.19-21, is a passage that is well known to the listeners of this podcast: ‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ [16:20]Warnings are also included in the Bible verses selected, with Ezekiel 28.5 sounding a note of caution: ‘By your great skill in trading you have increased your wealth, and because of your wealth your heart has grown proud.’ Simon then takes the opportunity to sneak in an additional warning verse in the form of 1 Timothy 6.10: ‘For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.’ [19:02]The Parable of the Shrewd Manager also provides a warning, with Luke 16.10 making it clear that there will be consequences if we mismanage the resources that have been entrusted to our care: ‘Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.’ [20:57]Simon’s final verse in his top ten list comes from the Parable of the Talents, with Matthew 25.23 putting forward an end of life accolade that is worthy of our aspiration: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!’ [22:13]The focus of our next episode will be on ten ways to achieve a healthy relationship with money. [23:21]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by
Season 7 Bonus Episode 2 - FAQs on Faith and Finance Choices
Season 7 Bonus Episode 2 - FAQs on Faith and Finance Choices
In this bonus episode, Simon and Bex discuss FAQs relating to the faith and finance choices that we make as individuals.Some key points covered in this episode include the following:The first question from a listener about individual faith and finance choices is from Charlie, who asks about giving principles: how much should we give, and to whom or what should we give? [02:24]The next question is from Morven, who is interested in hearing thoughts about principles that can help us to decide how much it is appropriate to spend on ourselves. [09:14] Simon then provides responses to three questions from Bex that are particularly relevant to the later stages of life: (i) Should Christians take out life / health insurance? [13:40]; (ii) What should the Christian attitude to inheritance be? [16:28]; (iii) What are three top faith and finance tips that Christian parents can pass on to their children? [20:38]A couple of questions about how we should react to financial stress are then posed by Ruth, through Bex. [23:33]Next up, Simon comments in response to three questions about best practice when managing church finances that were sent in by Guy. [27:19]The final question provided by listeners was submitted by Alison, who asks: ‘How do we step out in faith responsibly?’ [32:15] Simon rounds off the episode by encouraging listeners to get in touch with requests for topics to be discussed on the podcast, especially as future plans have not yet been finalised. [33:54]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
Season 7 Bonus Episode 1 - FAQs on Using our Money Ethically and Responsibly
Season 7 Bonus Episode 1 - FAQs on Using our Money Ethically and Responsibly
In this bonus episode, Simon and Bex discuss FAQs about using our money in an ethical and responsible manner that benefits society. Some key points covered in this episode include the following:Bex explains that the Season 7 bonus episodes will feature faith and finance FAQs. The first episode focuses on using our money in an ethical and responsible manner that benefits society and the second one explores issues to do with our personal finances and the choices that we make in that context. [00:30] The first question from listeners that Bex poses to Simon is from Don: ‘How much should we be digging to find out what our money is funding down the chain whilst it sits in bank/savings/investment accounts, and what options are available to us for more 'ethical' investing?’ [02:33]Reflecting on ways of influencing situations [07:23], Bex notes that campaigns and protests can become quite complex in their impact and invites Simon to share his thoughts on that area. [08:36]Simon explains and explores the issues that arise when trying to achieve a good balance between benefiting from investments and creating benefits by investing. [10:46] For those wishing to take an ethical approach to investing, Simon describes a range of options that runs from ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing through Ethical and Impact investing to Philanthropy. [11:54] He then goes to speak about some steps that are being taken to reduce the ability of companies to ‘greenwash’ their products in order to make them appear more ethical and responsible than they actually are. [15:36]In response to a question from Bex, Simon outlines some suggestions that can help us to identify and implement ways of using our money to support causes that we are passionate about. [18:39]Bex then asks Simon for some top tips for anyone interested in setting up a Christian charity or social enterprise. [21:51]Simon proffers some comments about whether or not there should be any expectation that church members should provide services to churches at preferential rates. [26:44]Simon provides three top tips for ways in which Christians can make a difference in a financial context. [30:26]The second bonus episode of this season will focus on FAQs relating to the faith and finance choices that we make as individuals. [31:47]In closing, Simon recommends the information and resources provided by the charity, ‘Stewardship’, as being relevant and helpful in connection with the content of this episode. [32:22] Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S7 Ep 8: Financial FAQs, 8: Scams
S7 Ep 8: Financial FAQs, 8: Scams
In the final episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Scams.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Bex introduces the topic of Scams [00:33] before asking Simon whether he thinks that the number and type of scams are increasing. [03:07]In response to a question from Bex, Simon identifies three main warning signs / red flags to watch out for: an offer that is too good to be true [04:06]; when help is requested for a crisis situation that is too bad to be true [05:43]; tell-tale language, formatting and tone clues [09:02]. She also asks Simon about common scams and current trends. [11:42]Simon gives some tips for dealing with potential scams [13:55] and then goes on to give advice about what to do if you become the victim of a scam. [15:25]Simon provides listeners with four top tips to help them to avoid being scammed. [21:08]Simon explains that a couple of bonus episodes on the theme of faith and finance FAQs will be forthcoming shortly and invites listeners to send in their questions. [23:31]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S7 Ep 7: Financial FAQs, 7: Taxes
S7 Ep 7: Financial FAQs, 7: Taxes
In the penultimate episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Taxes.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Bex starts off by asking Simon what tax is and how it works. [01:32]In response to further questions from Bex, Simon explains the nature and practicalities of each of the following: National Insurance [06:06]; Income Tax [11:11]; VAT [12:53]; Capital Gains Tax [16:07]; Inheritance Tax [19:17].Simon explains what is meant by ‘tax efficiency’, ‘tax avoidance’ and ‘tax evasion’ [21:39] and goes on to outline three HMRC and Government approved tax avoidance mechanisms that exist in the UK: pensions [22:22], ISAs [22:56] and Charitable Giving [23:18].Bex asks Simon to explain the circumstances in which someone in normal employment should complete a tax self-assessment. [24:27]Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [26:53]The final episode of this season will focus on the subject of Scams. [29:29]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S7 Ep 6: Financial FAQs, 6: Financial Planning
S7 Ep 6: Financial FAQs, 6: Financial Planning
In the sixth episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Financial Planning.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Bex starts off by asking Simon about the nature of financial planning, whether anyone can do it, [01:43] and how best to go about it. [02:59]Bex goes on to ask Simon to explain how financial planning can help us to identify when we can retire [08:36] and whether or not there are any general guidelines regarding how much we should aim to save towards a pension. [12:02]Simon outlines the different kinds of pension that are available and how they operate. [14:46]Bex draws attention to some previous podcast episodes on the themes of pensions and planning for retirement (Season 2 Episode 6, Season 2 Episode 7 and Season 3 Episode 2) which may be of interest to listeners. [19:18]Simon suggests that there are two main circumstances in which it can be particularly helpful to seek assistance with financial management and planning. [19:45] In response to a request from Bex for recommendations of helpful resources that are freely available, Simon draws attention to the ScamSmart, Money Helper and Money & Pension Service websites. He also notes that you can check your state pension online. [22:37]Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [25:51]The focus of next week’s episode will be on Taxes. [28:34]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S7 Ep 5: Financial FAQs, 5: Buying a House
S7 Ep 5: Financial FAQs, 5: Buying a House
In the fifth episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Buying a House.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Bex starts off by asking Simon for his thoughts on how we know whether or not it is appropriate and prudent for us to decide to buy a house. [02:02]Bex goes on to ask Simon to explain the nature and purpose of a mortgage. [03:26]Bex then follows up with questions about what kind of deposit is required for a mortgage [08:21] and the kind of checks that lenders undertake in order to establish the ability of a borrower to pay off the mortgage being requested. [10:16]Further questions asked by Bex are as follows: Are mortgages fixed or variable? [13:53] Are mortgages secured or unsecured? [16:18] Can mortgages be paid off early? [17:29] What additional costs need to be included in a budget when planning to buy a property? [22:36]Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [25:01]The focus of next week’s episode will be on Financial Planning. [28:57] Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S7 Ep 4: Financial FAQs, 4: Investing
S7 Ep 4: Financial FAQs, 4: Investing
In the fourth episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topic of Investing.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Bex starts off by asking Simon to explain what investing is [01:13] before going on to enquire about how Christians should approach that topic. [04:05]Bex then asks Simon a series of questions to which people have been frequently looking for answers on the Internet: What is an ISA [06:30], and also a LISA? [07:42] What are bonds? [09:29] What is an ETF? [11:40] What are ‘short term’, ‘medium term’ and ‘long term’ periods of time, in a financial context? [15:05] What is a hedge fund? [19:52] What are dividends? [21:20] What is cryptocurrency? [23:42]Bex asks Simon to respond to a question which she has identified as being one for which people ‘really want to know’ the answer: ‘What shares should I buy and how?’ [25:45]Simon explains what ‘advice’ means in a formal, financial context. [31:47]Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [33:28]The focus of next week’s episode will be on answering questions associated with buying a house. [34:27] Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S7 Ep 3: Financial FAQs, 3: Borrowing and Debt
S7 Ep 3: Financial FAQs, 3: Borrowing and Debt
In the third episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topics of Borrowing and Debt.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Bex starts off by asking Simon to explain what debt is [01:39] before going on to enquire about the possible impact of taking out a loan. [03:03]In response to a further question from Bex, Simon provides information about both ‘secured’ and ‘unsecured’ loans. [04:59]Simon discusses the evolving relationship between lenders and those who provide loans for them [11:41] and points out that some arrangements are riskier than others. [14:12] Bex talks about her own experience, as a small business owner, of dealing with clients who became indebted to her. [16:37]Simon provides some comments aimed at assisting individuals who are in danger of falling into significant debt [17:39], including an explanation of consolidation loans. [19:42] Bex highlights the emotional impact that can accompany being in debt [21:57], and Simon draws attention to the helpful advice and observations provided by Ben Clift of Christians Against Poverty in Bonus Episode 2 of Season 2. [22:32]Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion, including – for anyone who is grappling with significant debt – making mention of the support that is available through charities such as Citizens Advice and Christians Against Poverty. [24:41] The emphasis will change in the next episode of this season, when the focus will be on Investment, as a principle and in practice. [28:54]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S7 Ep 2: Financial FAQs, 2: Credit Scores and Credit Cards
S7 Ep 2: Financial FAQs, 2: Credit Scores and Credit Cards
In the second episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topics of Credit Scores and Credit Cards.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Simon starts off by explaining what a credit score is [02:04] before going on to deal with related questions about the need for credit and credit scores, and how a credit score can be improved. [04:57]In response to a question from Bex, Simon describes the difference that a credit score can make to the terms of a loan. [11:57]Simon then goes on to outline how credit cards work [15:22] and the advantages and disadvantages that can be associated with using them. [17:11]Bex asks Simon to explain APR (Annual Percentage Rate) as it is mentioned frequently when credit card arrangements are being described. [23:41] His response prompts Bex to comment on the significant, negative impact of compound interest in this context. [25:42]Simon provides various pointers and suggestions for anyone wishing to take out a credit card. [26:40]Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion [29:24], including some comments about dealing with credit card debt in which he mentions a previous episode which may be of interest. [30:47]The focus of next week’s episode will be on debt and borrowing. [31:48]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.
S7 Ep 1: Financial FAQs, 1: Inflation, Cost of Living & Recession
S7 Ep 1: Financial FAQs, 1: Inflation, Cost of Living & Recession
In the first episode of this season on financial FAQs gleaned from the Internet, Bex picks Simon’s brain on the topics of Inflation, Cost of Living & Recession.Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:Bex and Simon introduce this new season of the podcast by explaining that it is based on which questions about finance are asked most frequently on Google. [00:35]Bex asks Simon to start things off by providing some introductory comments about inflation and cost of living. [03:02]Bex delves deeper into the potential causes of inflation, asking why prices in the supermarket have gone up when people have had less money to spend. [08:19]Bex’s next query is to ask how the Bank of England’s interest rates tie in with inflation [12:09], which prompts Simon to explain how ‘a basket of goods’ is used to calculate the annual level of inflation [14:08] and how the Bank endeavours to use interest rates to keep inflation at desirable levels. [17:17]Simon draws attention to the difference between ‘deflation’ and ‘decreasing inflation’ [20:59] and goes on to explain why it is regarded as being beneficial for an economy to have a modest level of inflation on an ongoing basis. [21:45]Bex asks Simon to explain and comment on the term, ‘recession’, which has been used widely recently in connection with the cost of living crisis. [24:26]Simon provides three top tips arising from this week’s discussion. [27:37]Points mentioned in response to a question about the options available to people who are feeling overwhelmed by the cost of living include seeking professional help from charities that provide debt support, such as CAP (Christians Against Poverty) and Citizens Advice. It was also noted that this podcast’s Season 2 Bonus Episode on ‘Providing Support during the Cost of Living Crisis’ might be of interest. [30:35]The focus of next week’s episode will be on credit scores and credit cards. [34:09]Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast. This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting. You can sign up to receive news and updates about this podcast by filling out the brief form to which you will be taken when clicking on this link.