Imagining Tomorrow

Emma Newman with Friends of the Earth

It’s hard to imagine a bright future in the face of the climate crisis. This new podcast, from Hugo Award winning podcaster and author Emma Newman,  will take you on a journey from despair to the most radiant, radical hope.

Made in partnership with Friends of the Earth, Imagining Tomorrow shows how we can create a future that is good for people and for nature, based on innovations in technology and community action that are already having a positive impact.

Join Emma as she pieces together the roadmap to utopia by interviewing amazing inventors, communities and award-winning science fiction authors.

We can’t build a better future until we can imagine it, so let’s imagine it together.

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Financing, Fundraising, Moving
Financing, Fundraising, Moving
When the average person can’t control how the funds in their own bank accounts or pensions are used by institutions, is there any way to stop terrible things being done with our money?Inspired by conversations with the leader of a grassroots movement empowering women to take control of their finances, a community farm in Wales raising funds to keep the farm in the service of the local people it feeds, and an award-winning science fiction writer, Emma Newman imagines a world in which fossil fuel companies are starved of funds and ethical companies are able to thrive thanks to sensible, sustainable community investment.Who we hear from in this episode:Money Movers: Teg Farm: Tchaikovsky: own website: Resources:Friends of the Earth article about the World Bank: Tydden Teg Community Share offer document: by Urgewald on World Bank Trade Finance: of the Earth article about UK Pension Funds: Tydden Teg’s Crowdfunder page - now finished, but you can see how they did it: UK - Helped Tydden Teg to do their community share offer: origin of Money Movers: Town video on banks financing fossil fuel projects: Support the show
Warming, Decarbonising, Celebrating
Warming, Decarbonising, Celebrating
Across the UK there are thousands of faith buildings playing important roles in their communities. Churches, mosques, gurdwaras, all host gatherings for worship and for community activities such as playgroups, choirs, support groups and many more. Recently, many have been serving as warm banks, providing a space for people struggling to heat their homes in the energy crisis. How can these buildings, often huge and sometimes hundreds of years old, afford to provide these critical spaces in times of energy price hikes and still meet net-zero goals? Inspired by talking to an interfaith group in Birmingham, an innovative infra-red heating company in Bristol and an NYT bestselling science-fiction author, Emma Newman imagines a future in which community groups redesign the function of former shopping malls to create third spaces that repair the fabric of society.Who we hear from in this episode: Footsteps: Infrared: McCormack: own website: - Interesting post about working with Bow Church to expand community activities - all about the research project looking at community engagement in the use of faith buildings  - An Open University course designed to help people to consult with communities on the use of faith buildings A video about the Halo heater, in which the diagram about bubbles of heat mentioned in the episode can be seen: the show