This Humean Life with The Philosophical Coach

Sam Kukathas

This Humean Life with The Philosophical Coach is hosted by Sam Kukathas. Philosopher, Hume expert, and high performance coach. 

At its core it's about navigating the complexities of being human, giving you the opportunity to go beyond any view of who you think you are really. 

In freeing yourself from finding your purpose or who you are, there is a space for creating a life free from constraint. 

 The ideas are drawn from neuroscience, philosophy, Sam's coaching, working with elite leaders, and experience. You can expect candour, vulnerability unfamiliar ideas and some you disagree with. read less


How to Lead with Authenticity in both your Professional and Day to Day Life
 with Neelu Kaur
How to Lead with Authenticity in both your Professional and Day to Day Life
 with Neelu Kaur
How do you lead with authenticity in both your professional and day to day life?  This question could not be more pertinent right now during a period of unprecedented upheaval in the workforce. Countless people are leaving their jobs because they don't experience the kind of leadership that inspires, supports and gives people space to grow. The impact of the Great Resignation is expanding not decreasing. And work is just one part of life, despite the constant blurring during the pandemic of the boundaries between work and home, the personal and the professional. Unless, however, we all learn to lead with authenticity then we will continue to experience the negative impact in personal and professional lives.  In this conversation, I had the pleasure of working with Neelu Kaur, a Corporate Facilitator, Leadership & NLP Coach, and Stress Management Specialist.  We offer a context that creates an opportunity for you to bring authenticity to your life – both professional and personal. This is about throwing away preconceptions of what leadership looks like where they exist as limitations. It's an invitation to be open and curious, and question not just what you know but how you go about your work. We bring innovation to this conversation by taking familiar ideas like a 'beginner's mindset' but exploring them in a context which transcends the norm. This is for you if you want to learn and explore the subtle art of effective leadership as a context not just for your job but your life. If you would like to explore this as an individual or organisation then you can book a consultation here.About Neelu Kaur Neelu Kaur is a Corporate Facilitator, Leadership & NLP Coach, and Stress Management Specialist. Neelu has 15 years of experience specializing in Adult Learning & Leadership Development in large organizations. She is a certified Yoga Instructor, Ayurveda Specialist, and an Ericksonian trained Hypnotherapist focused on bringing mindfulness and stress management practices to individuals, teams, and organizations.Connect with Neelu Website: https://www.neelukaur.comLinkedin:  Instagram: About Host:   Since the completion of this podcast Sam Kukathas has established Soul Purpose Leaders. To learn what Sam Kukathas is up to now head ⁠⁠⁠here⁠.
Creating Freedom from Anxiety
Creating Freedom from Anxiety
What would it be like if you had freedom from anxiety as opposed to just seeking to manage anxiety?When I interview leaders around this it is not in the realm of possibility for them. In fact many equate freedom from anxiety as simply being able to manage it better. The hold of anxiety is so pervasive, that when I ask ‘Will you always have anxiety?’ the answers are either an emphatic ‘yes’ or ‘I hope not’. There is such a high level of resignation that this is how life will always be and you just have to make the best of it.And I get it!That was exactly how I saw things up till just under 5 years ago. I believed having anxiety was my lot in life and I just had to make the best of it. The impact for me was crippling, and the cost was extreme. From the outside it looked like I was ‘making it’ but eventually for me everyday became a struggle. Having discovered the peace of mind that freedom from anxiety created it is my mission to create freedom from anxiety for as many people as possible. In this episode I challenge the societal understanding of anxiety and share why this reductionist approach is killing any opportunity for people to live a life of aliveness, joy and peace of mind. I share why our understanding of anxiety is conceptual and not experiential. So long as it remains conceptual, anxiety will expand as a problem in society. You will hear me share about the work I have done to reverse engineer anxiety. This comes from experience, coaching, neuroscience, cutting edge research on anxiety, and working with leaders who have shaped the entire transformation industry. ⁠Since the completion of this podcast Sam Kukathas has established Soul Purpose Leaders. To learn what Sam Kukathas is up to now head ⁠⁠here.
How to Reignite the Spark to Alter the Trajectory of Your Life with Jeff Le
How to Reignite the Spark to Alter the Trajectory of Your Life with Jeff Le
How do you reignite the spark to alter the trajectory of your life? What if you had the power to get out of your own way, to break through resistance, because you stepped into a bigger game by getting clear there was something bigger than you at stake? What would that be like? This is the superpower that I discuss with my guest Jeff Le as he takes us through pivotal moments in his life where he developed the ability to act from this place. In doing so he started achieving things which are remarkable. Jeff Le has had a career at the highest levels of public policy and politics at the state, federal and international levels. A recognized thought leader in political advocacy and representation, his analysis and opinions have been featured on MSNBC, broadcast television in 40 states, as well as in print at such publications as POLITICO Magazine, The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, and Forbes. During the height of the Asian Hate #StopAsianHate movement, Jeff penned an opinion piece that received national attention in POLITICO Magazine called I Thought I Knew How to Succeed as an Asian in U.S. Politics. Boy, Was I Wrong. that highlighted his experiences in workplace discrimination in politics and racism throughout his life. If you are ready to reignite the spark and alter the trajectory of your life, then I invite you to listen how the lessons that Jeff shares could be the catalyst for exactly this. Follow Jeff Le Twitter:⁠⁠⁠Since the completion of this podcast Sam Kukathas has established Soul Purpose Leaders. To learn what Sam Kukathas is up to now head ⁠⁠⁠here⁠.
How To Embrace Pain to Avoid Suffering with Brian Bogert
How To Embrace Pain to Avoid Suffering with Brian Bogert
Today we are looking at How To Embrace Pain to Avoid Suffering with Brian Bogert. There are times where you speak to someone and it energises your being and alters your thinking. This is what Brian Bogert brings to the table. There is a sleeping giant in every human. Awakening those giants within and turning them into legends, by helping individuals grab just what’s out of their grasp, is Brian’s purpose in this life. Brian is a heart surgeon without a blade. He does not start outside with what you need to do, he starts inside with who you are. In a world that is disconnected, Brian is revolutionizing how individuals, leaders, and entrepreneurs deeply connect with their authentic selves to achieve the best version of themselves. In this conversation you will learn about Brian's life philosophies on “how to embrace pain to avoid suffering”. We will tackle authenticity as a buzz word versus what he calls radical authenticity. And we will look at the foundational question of this show, 'who are you really?' and is there an answer to this question. If you are not blown away by this episode I will eat my hat.Get complimentary access to “Chapter 1: Purpose & Legacy” of Brian's the No Limits YOU video experience at Connect and Follow Brian Website: Social Media: @Bogertbrian You Tube: Linkedin: ⁠⁠⁠Since the completion of this podcast Sam Kukathas has established Soul Purpose Leaders. To learn what Sam Kukathas is up to now head ⁠⁠⁠here⁠.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Michele Molitor
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Michele Molitor
Most of us, if not all of us, experience what we have come to call imposter syndrome. How it looks can take many forms: triggers, anxiety, overwhelm, burn out, not belonging... to name but a few. Why do we experience imposter syndrome? Why is it possible to get to the root cause of an issue and yet still feel stuck? And is imposter syndrome just tied to some fundamental belief about who you see yourself to be really? And if so, what would be possible if we could give it up? These are some of the questions that Michele Molitor – founder and CEO of Nectar Consulting Inc., and co-author of the best-selling book “Breakthrough Healing” – and I explore here.Follow and Connect with Michele: Michele works with executives and entrepreneurs bringing more than 25 years of experience, intuitive insights, and strategic business savvy to their success. She is an expert at enhancing the capacity of leaders, to build high-performing teams and exponentially increase bottom-line results. Michele’s unique Rapid Rewiring approach is a culmination of years of study in the realms of emotional intelligence, neuroscience, organizational psychology and Rapid Transformational Therapy. She helps catalyze shifts in thinking and eliminate mental and emotional blocks to rapidly rewire your brain for greater confidence and success.Website: E-Book: “Do You Have Imposter Syndrome? 6 Triggers That Are Crushing Your Confidence” ⁠⁠⁠Since the completion of this podcast Sam Kukathas has established Soul Purpose Leaders. To learn what Sam Kukathas is up to now head ⁠⁠⁠here⁠.
How to Go From Trauma to Deserving a Greater Possibility with Kimberly Spencer
How to Go From Trauma to Deserving a Greater Possibility with Kimberly Spencer
Trauma, whether we relate to it this way or not, is something every human experiences. But the significance it has for us, what it looks like, and its impact can not only vary but drastically shape what possibilities we believe we can make real in our lives. In this far reaching discussion with Kimberly Spencer – award-winning high-performance, trauma-informed coach, and founder of Crown Yourself –  we delve into different varieties, as well as ways of thinking about trauma and how it can show up in different aspects of our lives. The key themes that emerge are around choosing, permission, alignment, and deserving in relationships, business and life in general. Here are some of the key ideas to look out for: You will hear a new perspective: On PTSD. On deserving and what it has to do with deserving a greater possibility for your life. We explore: Creating alignment in your life and business through utilizing your zone of genius. How we can shift out of misalignment by looking at how we create success. How we can choose even when we feel trapped. You will learn about: Letting go of plagiarised programming and creating permission. Somatic breathing and how trauma gets trapped in the tissue. How to hold space in a relationship even where your partner has experienced trauma. Follow Kimberly Spencer Website: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin: Pinterest: Follow The Philosophical Coach Linkedin: Facebook: Instagram: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
What Neuroscience and Mindfulness has Taught Me about Seeing, Thinking, and Happiness
What Neuroscience and Mindfulness has Taught Me about Seeing, Thinking, and Happiness
In this episode I share some of what neuroscience and mindfulness have taught me about seeing, thinking, and happiness. The intention is that you will be able to start to experiment with these practices and see what difference they make in how you see yourself, others, and provide you with the tools to shift your overall experience of life from moment to moment. You will learn about: The importance of leading neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett’s insight around the functioning of the brain. Confrontation as something to embrace not avoid. The importance of context sensitivity of in shaping our experience. The benefit of challenging common views that you can control your thoughts. A different way of capturing the idea of limiting beliefs and triggers. You will have: The opportunity to see the relationship you have to happiness newly. And if you want to connect with me about anything, then here are all the ways you can do so: Linkedin: Facebook: Instagram: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
Peeling Back How We Understand Mental Health with Jay Shifman
Peeling Back How We Understand Mental Health with Jay Shifman
Today Jay Shifman and I are peeling back how we understand mental health. Jay Shifman is a vulnerable storyteller and stigma-destroying speaker, podcaster, and event host, Jay’s story of struggle is familiar to the millions of people the world over who also struggle with issues of mental health, substance misuse, and addiction. The survivor of two suicide attempts and an overdose and is now in long-term recovery.  It is Jay’s mission to encourage difficult conversations and honest education concerning these and similar struggles. And since 2015 his company Choose Your Struggle has been working on two distinct goals; ending stigma and ensuring that those who struggle receive the help they deserve. In this episode we do not hold back, we look at: anxiety, bipolar, the danger of mental health labels, misdiagnoses, suicide, OCD, ADHD. We look, when it comes to mental health, at the importance of destigmatisation, what we can do differently and where there is a case for optimism, especially in the UK thanks to the ripple effect of the work of companies like Sanctus. If you are a new listener and want to hear more about my approach to mental health, including how I overcame anxiety, then check out the following episodes: Why it is Possible to Disappear Anxiety in Society and What's Really Impacting Your Mental Health. Connect with Jay Shifman   Email: Website, Podcast and Social Media: Connect with The Philosophical Coach Linkedin: Facebook: Instagram: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
Building Community and Combating Social Polarisation through Real Talk Part 2
Building Community and Combating Social Polarisation through Real Talk Part 2
In a world where we generally don’t like being told what to do, we rely on algorithms to ironically tell us what to do. Why? Because we want certainty so bad that we will seek it any cost. What is that cost? This is what Jon Dallas and I look at in the second of this two part series on Building Community and Combating Social Polarisation through Real Talk. Jon is an "effective activist" combating political and social polarization. He is a TEDx speaker and Founder of Real Talk Philosophy, a social philosophy events organization aiming to combat polarization with community explorations of divisive social issues, from polyamory to immigration.  In part two of the series we dive into our desire for certainty, and why binary thinking tends to fuel more anger, violence, and rage within society across divisive issues from politics, religion, veganism, sexual orientation. And we look at how Real Talk is combating both the tendency to see complex issues in black and white but also the suffering that this is perpetuating. Follow Jon Dallas and Real Talk Philosophy: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Youtube: Follow The Philosophical Coach: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
Building Community and Combating Social Polarisation through Real Talk Part 1
Building Community and Combating Social Polarisation through Real Talk Part 1
We live in a world which is divided by social issues. From religion to politics, to sexuality to toxic masculinity, the list goes on. The social polarization which these divisions create have led to more and more fractures within society, friends are no longer able to speak to one another, families disconnect, your political allegiance can determine whether you are a good person. What if there were another way, a way which can help us build community and combat social polarisation? There is and it requires real talk. Thankfully there are people taking up the mantle and Jon Dallas, has done exactly that. Jon is an "effective activist" combating political and social polarization. He is a TEDx speaker and Founder of Real Talk Philosophy, a social philosophy events organization aiming to combat polarization with community explorations of divisive social issues, from polyamory to immigration. In the first of a two part series we dive into social polarization around religion, politics, and toxic masculinity in a way which brings nuance to discussions which are often seen in binary terms. I both learned a lot from speaking to Jon and it opened my eyes to new ways of thinking, and I have no doubt you will as well. The second part of the series will be released a week from now [and all future episodes for the foreseeable future will continue to be released on Friday's.] Follow Jon Dallas and Real Talk Philosophy: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Youtube: Follow The Philosophical Coach: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
How to Let Go of Perfectionism and Be in the Moment
How to Let Go of Perfectionism and Be in the Moment
Whether you are a business owner, a creative, or any other profession it is likely you can relate to this experience. You are either excited to start something and then you seem to pull the handbrake. Or even when you have brought your vision to reality you have stopped yourself from really sharing it with the world. In those moments it's like you are no longer in control and your brain has taken over and told you to sit in the backseat. It is this relatable experience which I coach Angie from the hit podcast Too Old for This Shit around. Her show made the charts in the comedy genre in the USA, Canada, Belgium, Taiwan within a few weeks of going live, then India a few months in, and more recently Denmark. Ireland, GB, Switzerland & New Zealand in 2021. Angie is not only a podcaster she is also a podcasting mentor. She creates workshops for people who want to get into podcasting but get stopped by fear around how to go about it and dealing with all the tech. And whilst her workshops are successful, there are a set of beliefs that lie in the background for her which are limiting what success can look like. And especially whether she can ever give up the 9 to 5. It is these background beliefs which are the focus of our conversation as Angie looks authentically at what is in the way of her being more in the moment and carefree. As you listen, I invite you to look and see whether anything comes up for you about where you may be pulling the handbrake in your life. Follow Angie: Podcast and Workshops: Instagram: You Tube: Twitter: Follow Host: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
How We Can Bring More Play to Our Lives, and Why It's Worth Doing with Mike Montague
How We Can Bring More Play to Our Lives, and Why It's Worth Doing with Mike Montague
What if play was not simply frivolous, but had an exponential impact on your capacity to learn, transform, and experience joy and fulfilment? This is what I discuss with Mike Montague this week. Mike is the founder of Playful Humans, a community designed to help the burned-out and bored get re-energized and engaged with life. His mission is to help adults rediscover the power of play and avoid a midlife crisis. He is also a game show host, public speaker, podcaster, and writer, which has created opportunities for him to MC, and DJ for live events including opening for Billy Idol, Frankie Valli, and MC-ed at Toby Keith's Bar & Grill. Here's what to look out for: The tension between a completely optimised life and the spontaneity of play. And what we can do about it. The impact ‘pushing’ or ‘forcing’ tends to have on bringing forth creativity, flow and serendipity. How karaoke can be a metaphor for life. What 12 year old Mike would say about interviewing Art Bell founder of Comedy Central.How learning to be comfortable being ridiculous had transformative effects on both our lives. How fear is the number 1 killer of fun, as well as what Billy Idol taught Mike about fear.Why wanting all green lights in life is a fool’s game.How virality these days happens off social media.The beauty of divergent thinking vs seeking the one right answer.Why we need to embrace being playful humans. 2 key questions to consider whilst listening: How is play relevant to who you are really? How can I bring more gamification to my life? Follow Mike Montague: Find out more at Follow Host: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
The Identity of Being Successful with Chris Jackson
The Identity of Being Successful with Chris Jackson
What is in the way of people experiencing fulfilment even when they have some measure of being successful? This is the guiding question of today's conversation with Chris Jackson. Chris is the Co-Owner of Kinetic Life. He shines a light on his clients' career path by being the project manager in their lives. He brings his expertise as an athlete to orient his practice around the question 'What does it take to win the championship of your own life? We explore three ways in which fulfilment is missing even in spite of people experiencing some measure of being successful.  What we see is missing is at its core clarity, clarity about who we need to be to experience fulfilment. We explore the tension between being addicted to success and letting go of your edge. The edge both drives people to produce extraordinary results and it can be in tension with experiencing fulfilment, due to a lack of love and belonging. We end by going deeper into how the cliche of unconditional love has created a converse reality which leads to people so frequently missing fulfilment regardless of their success in other areas. This episode is also filled with key takeaways in the form of sports analogies. Here's a few to look out for if you are as sports crazed as Chris and I. We look at:  the 4 quarter championship strategy. the importance of discarding your BRULE filled rulebook filled with a playbook. the relevance of your offensive and defensive line, as well as home base for a holistic vision of success. Follow Chris Jackson: Facebook: Website: Email: If you are a leader with a mission then I invite you to go to book a no-obligation call with me ⁠here⁠. The world needs your leadership and it is so much easier to achieve that when you are operating from peace not anxiety. And if you want to connect with me about anything, then here are all the ways you can do so: Linkedin:  ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ Sam Kukathas, is the Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach empower mission-based leaders in law, politics and health to create greater social impact whilst mastering living a life of fulfilment, peace and flow.
Why Sex is Not an Act but a Conversation with Geordoni McKoy
Why Sex is Not an Act but a Conversation with Geordoni McKoy
In this episode, I am in conversation with life coach Geordoni McKoy whose mission in life is about providing people with more clarity, confidence and alignment. Geordoni and I go deep into what is usually left unspoken, shifting from seeing sex as an act to a conversation. Sex is fundamental to the human experience and yet it can lead to so many hang ups, suffering, and constraint. When you think about what makes for effective communication, how often do you include sexual communication as a critical life skill for experiencing freedom from constraint? You will hear about how Geordoni went from, in her words, 'Sexual Prude in her 20's to Sexual breakthrough in her 40's'. We discuss: - what impacts the quality of sex that we have - the state of suffering - where you are afraid to express what you want sexually - fear of acceptance and judgment - why withholding sex is not the answer - the importance of asking ourselves and our partners questions around sex - how to create the space to move through sexual blocks - how to help someone shift from sexual trauma to pleasure - and what your inner child has to do with the extent to which you experience freedom of sexual self expression I also share about the hangs ups I used to have around sex being bisexual, and how I broke past this. The episode was inspired by a bold post on social media where Geordoni first expressed this liberation. You can read the original post here:   Follow Geordoni McKoy: Facebook: Instagram: Host of Boldly Lit & On Fire: Follow Host: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
Creating Freedom from Mental and Physical Prisons with Clairemarie Motta
Creating Freedom from Mental and Physical Prisons with Clairemarie Motta
In this episode I am joined by my friend and fellow transformation coach, Clairemarie Motta. Clairemarie helps take people from good to great by embracing wellness in all of its different dimensions. She is an inspiring leader who has embraced a very public wellness journey, losing 250 pounds, reinventing who she thought she was, and inspiring countless people in the process with her authenticity and transformation. There are so many highlights to this wide reaching conversation, and I invite you to share what are yours. Here are some things to look out for: - The freedom that comes from not knowing. - The possibilities that arises out of a living a discovered life. - The idea of always becoming, without being attached to who we must become. - The freedom and ease that comes from not being the centre of the universe. - The clash between messiness and and wanting to hold onto perfectionism. - The courage to rise in spite of fears. - Building a mental and physical prison and breaking it down - How success can become its own form of addiction. - Giving up controlling your thoughts. Follow Clairemarie Motta: Facebook: Instagram: Follow Host: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live lives that are not just okay, but magic. If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam then go to:
How Can I Have Freedom from Constraint?
How Can I Have Freedom from Constraint?
Is it actually possible to create a life free from constraint? In this episode I explain how you can have freedom from constraint, what this takes. and how this is connected with mastery. You will learn: - that for this to be possible we first have to get clear on where the constraints, if any, we have created exist beyond our perception. - how illusory our understanding of reality frequently is and what we can do about it. - why bankrupt beliefs bring dis-ease in life, and keep us playing small. - why there's nothing wrong with you and its time to stop searching for a fix to you and any of life's seeming problems.   If you are ready to go from being the passenger in your life to the owner of your life then for a limited time go to: Follow Host: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter:  About Host: Sam Kukathas, is the Owner and Founder of The Philosophical Coach. The Philosophical Coach exists for people to live a life free from constraint. It transforms the realms of leadership, communication and performance.  If you want to learn more or hear what others have said about working with Sam in relationships or any other aspect of life, then go to:  Sam has worked with the leading thought leaders and transformation leaders of the last 50 years. In addition he works with the Foundation for Ontological Leadership Education on the effective exercise of leadership and how we can bring mastery to our lives.