OLGI Recommends: Poetically Speaking with Kendall Wack & Eliana Horning
There has been a glitch in the simulation! There isn't a regularly scheduled episode for this week but Our Lives: Gender Included is bringing a recommendation to my gender conscious friends: Poetically Speaking.
Poetically Speaking is a show where Hosts (and poets) Kendall Wack and Eliana Horning discuss all things poetry, social justice, and the intersection between them. The podcast is backed by the Madwoman Collective—a feminist collective focused on politics, philosophy, art, and culture.
You can listen here: https://anchor.fm/poeticallyspeaking
or search up "Poetically Speaking" wherever you find podcasts!
Don't forget all of my links and ways to support me are on my Website: https://lyricallyfaight.wixsite.com/faightzey
Thank you once again to Danielle M. for being this pod's first financial supporter!
Join us every other Tuesday for new episodes and I hope you have a great rest of your day in the simulation!
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/faight-zey/support