What Does Rising of The Divine Mean to You?

Rising of The Divine

01-09-2023 • 22 mins

In this podcast, John and Jeanette our hosts interview each other on 3 important questions to the launch of Rising of The Divine Podcast. 1: What does Rising of The Divine Mean to you? 2: Why this podcast? 3: Why this podcast now? John and Jeanette believe the world is ready to heal the wounds of the masculine and feminine which leads to THE RISING OF THE DIVINE. This 1st episode shines the LIGHT on why this podcast came to life, the calling for John and Jeanette to come together and create this space, and what the message and voice of this podcast will be foundationally built from! If you KNOW that this is the time our world needs for the masculine and the feminine to rise individually and collectively then this podcast is for you.