Endo Worldwide

Martina Liel

Femninist Endo Writer and published Author (in German and Polish) Martina Liel interviews Endo Advocates from all over the world to challange myths and misconception about the underrecognized and underrated disease Endometriosis. Each episode will be in English with a German Summary in the end. Impressum: https://www.martina-liel.com/about/ read less
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5. Alexandra Mitchell, Australia. Invisible Iconic & #changetheguidelines
5. Alexandra Mitchell, Australia. Invisible Iconic & #changetheguidelines
Alex is host of the Invisible Iconic Podcast ( Instagram: @invisibleiconic) where she has been debunking myths and misconceptions about Endometriosis. She is involved in the #changetheguidelines movement in Australia, critically examining the Australien Endometriosis Guidelines. In this episode, we talk about her own Endo story and crucial points in the guidelines that every Endometriosis patient should be concerned about.   Alex ist Gastgeberin des Invisible Iconic Podcast (@invisibleiconic), wo sie Mythen und falsche Vorstellungen über Endometriose entlarvt. Sie ist an der #changetheguidelines-Bewegung in Australien beteiligt und setzt sich kritisch mit den australischen Endometriose-Richtlinien auseinander. In dieser Folge sprechen wir über ihre eigene Endo-Geschichte und wichtige Punkte in den Leitlinien, über die sich Endometriose-Betroffene Gedanken machen sollten.   Alex on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/invisibleiconic/ Alex´s story on Ovary Chronicles: https://www.ovarychronicles.com/alexs-story  The Australien Endometriosis Guidelines: https://ranzcog.edu.au/news/australian-endometriosis-guideline/  The NICE Guidelines: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng73 The ESHRE Guidelines: https://www.eshre.eu/Guideline/Endometriosis  The US Endometriosis Guidelines: https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2011/0101/p84.html  Other Instagram accounts mentioned in this Podcast: Endo Girls Blog: https://www.instagram.com/endogirlsblog Casey Berna: https://www.instagram.com/endosocialworker Center for Endometriosis Care: https://www.instagram.com/centerforendocare  My podcast is not a substitute for medical or psychological advice. My Podcast is not sponsored, I don not receive money for mentioning products or institutions etc. Mein Podcast ersetzt nicht den Rat durch einen Arzt/eine Ärztin oder Psychologen/Psychologin.   Foto created with Canva.com/CC0 1.0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/