Welcome Sweet Friend to the Her Healed Heart Podcast where we will talk about Clearing our Clutter as a Christian Woman. We will learn how to clear our Emotional Clutter (feelings of resentment or anger, loss, fear or worry, insecurities and guilt or regret), Our Physical Clutter (in our homes) & Our Spiritual Clutter (what is blocking us in our relationship with God). My desire is for you to have a place to know you are NOT ALONE & NOT JUDGED!! I promised God that if He got me through my mess then I would help other women get through theirs!! So if you like Organizing, Learning Life’s Lessons & Renewing your mind then sister you are in the right place. We are the Heart of our Home and we will learn how to HEAL OUR HEARTS!!
I am Samantha Brown, Spiritual Life Coach & Professional Organizer. I have been married for 15 years, I’m a mom of 2 teenagers (yikes!!) and 2 Fur Babies. I get it sister, this life can be a lot to handle at times, especially when you feel like you are doing it alone!! So when I met Jesus 10 years ago I started my own journey of figuring out that I had so much chaos (inside & out) and that my life was not everything God planned for me but then I realized that He did have a plan, so I started asking Him for a vision & that’s when things started to change. Believe me sister, I know this life can be lonely and stressful which is why I promised God that when I got through my own crazy mess I would help other Christian Women with what I learned along the way. I have also created a Facebook Community so we can support and encourage one another. I am praying for you sister and I am here for you whether it is on this Podcast, in the Facebook group or in a 1 on 1 Coaching Session.
- Galatians 6:1
Go to HERHEALEDHEART.COM to find all the links OR Calendly.com/SamanthaBrownCoaching to set up your 1 on 1 coaching session.
May God Bless and Heal Your Heart!! read less