Living Your Best 5D Life with Maureen St. Germain

The Empowered Spirit Show

1w ago • 41 mins

This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. They offer Tarot sessions, Reiki, Sound Bowl, Crystal Healing and Witch Consultations. @ritualsheltershoppe. Pintreest

As this podcast goes to air we continue to move through the eclipse portal of energy. The Solar Eclipse comes in on Wed, Oct 2nd in the sign of Libra. Whereas the Luna eclipse was about pulling us out of our comfort zones, and releasing old karma, the solar eclipse is about stepping forward with a new sense of who we truly are. It’s about setting intentions to trust your higher self.. to connect with the wisdom of your soul.

The energy of libra is about finding balance. Do you take time to pause and slow down.. or do you keep yourself so busy you don’t know how to sit still. ?hen we continually keep going and don’t recognize the power that comes from pausing, it can be draining.

Within each of is an inner strength that comes from the wisdom of our Soul. From my perspective, this Soul force is strong and embodies our individuality and core passions. It represents the essence of who we are—an intrinsic part of us that cannot be ignored and yearns for expression.

Many people think this Soul force, if it exists at all, is unrelated to our everyday lives. I think the opposite: to truly find satisfaction in our day and reach our fullest potential, regardless of our field, we must engage with and harness this inner power otherwise we will find ourselves drained of energy. Our higher self filters energy.. it helps us receive higher guidance.. but when we are too busy and drained, the information we seek becomes elusive.. we don’t trust the messages.. we continuously search and wander.

Allow the energy of this eclipse to guide you to set new patterns. It's the perfect time to step into your magic and embrace change.

Have you ever felt like a pushover, always ready to lend a hand at your own expense? Or perhaps you've found yourself overwhelmed, juggling too many ideas all at once? If so, it might be time for a significant transformation in your life. Are you tired of feeling drained? Are you ready to ground your energy and focus on what truly matters instead of getting lost in distractions?

In my recent quiz, “What's Your Evil Archetype?”, I discovered that last year's top response was the People-Pleaser. This year, however, the Wandering Soul has taken the lead, indicating a struggle to focus amidst an excess of wandering energy. Following closely is the Saboteur, who self-sabotages efforts, preventing progress. Do these patterns resonate with you? Many of us find ourselves caught in these cycles without even realizing it.

Old habits keep you in your comfort zone. They are why you walk around feeling stressed, anxious, and fearful to move forward. They're why you are having trouble trusting new decisions and making new choices about your life. These habits keep you from being present and enjoying your life.

Imagine breaking free from these cycles once and for all. I have a unique and powerful approach to help you do just that.

If you'd like to explore this further, schedule a complimentary Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough Call. Click here.

In today’s episode, I continue the discussion of expanding states of consciousness. I welcome back to the show, Maureen St. Germain with her book, Living Your Best 5D Life. We talk about how it is possible to undergo dimensional shifts and make spiritual “upgrades” that allow you to shift instantly into 5D. In this episode, we talk about practices for thinking in 5D, the MerKaBa, 8D, the higher self, the light body, navigating the higher dimensions, and how you can harness your strength and energy to live your best 5D life.