Katja Iversen — "Step It Up"

Express Change

23-04-2024 • 28 mins

Katja Iversen is the CEO of the "Museum for the United Nations - UN Live", an unconventional, borderless museum connecting people everywhere to the work and values of the United Nations. They work with popular culture players and platforms in film, music, gaming, arts and sports, curating cultural experiences and creating global connections through dialogues — to foster a stronger sense of shared belonging to this planet and positive action.

In the past, she has worked as an advisor to private and public sector institutions and leaders including the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and the G7.

Museum for the United Nations — UN Live:


Katja's website:



From our conversation:

Top 10 Culture for Impact 2023 list:



Express Change is hosted and produced by Marina Gattás and Martin Oetting, with the team at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. Find out more at https://weall.org and https://martinoetting.com