Climate+Faith: God's Household

Sermon Central

05-05-2024 • 47 mins

Today we continue our worship series, “Climate + Faith.” Our goal in this series is to look past partisan politics to recognize why valuing and caring for God’s creation is fundamentally an issue of faith. We all breathe the same air, drink the same water, and enjoy the same forests and lakes and rivers and creatures. We all suffer in extreme weather, social instability, and mass migration. A livable world is not a politically partisan goal. It’s a human goal. And at its core, it’s a spiritual goal. If we look back, in virtually every transformative movement in human history, people of faith have been at the center of the action. We’ve been the catalysts… laborers… visionaries. And now, as we confront what is perhaps the greatest challenge in human history, God is calling us to step up once more—to live into our original calling of being responsible for all of God’s creation.