Faith In Action - In God We All Belong

Sermon Central

02-06-2024 • 57 mins

Today we continue with our short series, “Faith In Action,” where we’re looking at 3 different ways we can live our faith in the world. The United Methodist Church began as a movement dedicated to “scriptural holiness,” to live not just saying we’re Christian, but living it out in our actions—a life dedicated to loving God and loving our neighbor. Our faith is not simply what we believe in our own hearts and minds, but it is something that moves us to get involved with people; try to change broken systems; and we get our hands dirty, working to make the world better. This is work we’re all called to do in different ways, given our unique personality, strengths, and God-given gifts. Last week, Melanie shared how her faith was transformed this past year when she went to a training called EarthKeepers. Through that training, she was able to understand how God is calling her to personally live out God’s command to love God and love neighbor. Today, we want to name why declaring we are a reconciling congregation is an act of faith.