Do Unto Others: Jesus + Politics

Sermon Central

6d ago • 20 mins

We are in the second week of our sermon series, “Do Unto Others,” campaigning for kindness. It’s the middle of September and we are already deep into election season here in the US. And now, more than ever, we need to be reminded of how we are called to live in the world as followers of Jesus. Last week, Pastor Bruce Hitchcock talked about how in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus shares the Golden Rule—“Do unto others as you would have them do to you… this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” That is the basis for how we treat people—we recognize all that God has given us, and then because of that, we treat others with the same love, compassion, grace, and understanding with which we have been treated—which also sums up the way we want others to treat us. Today, I want to remind us that this Golden Rule is necessary and important even when—especially when—we’re talking politics.