Uncommon Wisdom: Wisdom's Worth

Sermon Central

21-07-2024 • 36 mins

Today we begin a new worship series titled “Uncommon Wisdom.” In a society whose only real success strategies appear to be exploitation, violence, and smear campaigns, we are going to look at the seemingly uncommon wisdom of Proverbs, which shows us another path to the good life. Every decision we make impacts not just ourselves, but others. Some decisions are small and cumulative, but none are made in a vacuum. We try to think about all the consequences our decisions might have—projecting out and imagining all the scenarios, but we just can’t—life is too complex. So the question we’re left to wonder is, “How do we know the right thing to do at any given moment? What is the wise thing that will lead to life? That’s where the book of Proverbs comes in. It’s a book that’s for every person in every season of life, guiding us to living wisely and well in God’s good world.