How To Survive A Recession And Bounce Back From A $50M Loss With Rod Khleif

Ice Cream with Investors

27-06-2022 • 38 mins

The market goes through cycles and where we’re headed is not looking too good for business owners and investors who don’t know what they’re doing. Here to share how he bounced back from $50M loss and amass even greater financial success is Rod Khleif. Rod is a multiple business owner, philanthropist, and top real estate investor and performance coach. He is also the podcast host of Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing. In this episode, he joins Matt Fore to discuss the mindset that allowed him to survive the 2008 recession and come out the other end with even more than what he lost. Rod shares practical tips for investors as well as valuable business insights to help guide you on the journey to success and fulfillment. Don’t miss out!