Turning your sales plan into a financial forecast

Financial Forecasting for start-ups and entrepreneurs

17-09-2024 • 4 mins

This podcast is brought to you by www.powdr.co.uk - powerful financial forecasting software developed to save your business money and help you grow!

Podcast Summary: "I’m Generating Cash – Why Do I Still Need a Forecast?"

In this episode, we dive into why, even when your business is generating cash and things seem to be going well, forecasting is crucial for long-term success. Forecasts aren’t just about financial projections; they represent your strategy, targets, and key performance indicators in numbers. Without a clear plan, relying on luck can be risky.

We cover three key areas to focus on:

  1. Sales Strategy: It’s important to know who you're selling to and how to keep growing. Whether you're relying on word-of-mouth or influencers, turning these strategies into numbers helps you forecast future sales and plan accordingly.

  2. Understanding Costs: Growth often brings higher costs. We’ll discuss how expenses like marketing, customer service, and shipping increase as your sales grow. Tools like Powdr’s free P&L model can help you map out costs that scale with revenue.

  3. Planning for Investment: Many startups begin with a minimum viable product, but big plans require investment. By forecasting your revenue growth and understanding your costs, you'll be better equipped to determine when and how much investment is needed to fuel your next steps.

Tune in to learn why forecasting is an essential part of your business strategy, even when things are going well!