Preparing for investment with a financial forecast

Financial Forecasting for start-ups and entrepreneurs

17-09-2024 • 4 mins

This podcast is brough to you by - powerful financial forecasting software built to save your business money and help you grow!

Podcast Summary: "I’m Going for Investment – Do I Need to Provide a Financial Forecast?"

In this episode, we discuss why providing a financial forecast is crucial when seeking investment. While different investors and stages require different things, understanding your strategy and translating it into numbers is always beneficial—for both you and the investor.

A strong forecast not only shows the potential of your business but also helps you prepare for various scenarios, such as lower-than-expected sales or rising costs. At a minimum, you need a clear grasp of your customer base, sales strategy, costs, and how the investment will help your business grow. Whether it’s to scale up product development or hire a marketing team, you should be able to communicate your plan in numbers.

We’ve all seen shows like Dragon’s Den, where entrepreneurs who don’t know their numbers are quickly dismissed. Don’t be that person! Knowing your past performance and future potential is essential. While expert help can be expensive, new tools like Powdr offer a cost-effective way to build and refine your financial model, with guidance to ensure you're well-prepared when presenting to investors.

Tune in to learn how to use financial forecasting to secure that investment and take your business to the next level!