Mosaic of China

Oscar Fuchs

An English-language podcast showcasing people who are making their mark in China. read less
Society & CultureSociety & Culture


The Stunt Man (Frank ABEL, Binhai Aircraft Carrier Theme Park)
The Stunt Man (Frank ABEL, Binhai Aircraft Carrier Theme Park)
In 1996, China acquired a decommissioned Soviet aircraft carrier, with the express intention of using it as the centrepiece of a theme park in the city of 天津 [Tiānjīn]. Today, the 濱海 [Bīnhǎi] Aircraft Carrier Theme Park is still operative, and the enormous ship stands as the backdrop of a pirate stunt show.    Today’s episode is with Frank Abel, who has been coordinating these stunts since 2012, as well as building and maintaining the modified stunt vehicles on display. A veteran stunt man, Frank has a lifetime of tall tales from the worlds of movies and theme parks, both in the U.S. and China. So it was a unique pleasure to include just a few of these in today’s episode.    The episode also includes catch-up interviews with: Murray King from Season 02 Episode 29 and Emily Madge from Season 01 Episode 14   00:00 - Trailer & Intro 00:42 - Part 1 22:21 - Part 2 31:52 - Outro 34:55 - Catch-Up Interview [1] 38:26 - Catch-Up Interview [2]   Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at:   Join the community: Instagram LinkedIn Facebook WeChat
The Incurable Optimist (’DAJIANG’, Tourette’s Advocate)
The Incurable Optimist (’DAJIANG’, Tourette’s Advocate)
Yes, today's episode is all about what it's like to live in China with Tourette syndrome (妥瑞症). But what it's really about is neurodiversity. Some people still have a defensive attitude towards those of us with mental and neurological conditions, treating them as victims deserving of our fear, pity or even derision. But Dajiang's story reminds us that we should instead focus on dignity, happiness, and mutual understanding.   This doesn't mean that all of us should celebrate our deficiencies, nor use them as excuses to avoid self-improvement. But at the same time, we don't need to 'see past' someone's disorders; we don't need to 'tolerate' someone's conditions. Listening to their stories and understanding their distinct points of view is not a sacrifice. It's a privilege. So a big thanks to Dajiang for being the last new guest of 2022, and ending the year on an uplifting note.   The episode also includes catch-up interviews with: Michelle Qu from Season 02 Episode 20 and Sabrina Chen from Season 01 Episode 26 00:00 - Trailer & Intro 01:27 - Part 1 27:10 - Part 2 35:24 - Outro 38:27 - Catch-Up Interview [1] 44:15 - Catch-Up Interview [2] Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at: Join the community: Instagram LinkedIn Facebook WeChat
The Compost Evangelist (Alizée BUYSSCHAERT, Zero Waste Shanghai)
The Compost Evangelist (Alizée BUYSSCHAERT, Zero Waste Shanghai)
The environment is one of those topics that we all know we need to talk about, but at the same time desperately want to avoid. None of us want to be lectured on all the things we're doing wrong, and none of us need yet another reminder about how the human race is mismanaging its impact on the planet.   So it's a breath of fresh air to have a conversation with someone who is not only passionate about the environment but also... fun. In today's episode, Alizée Buysschaert talks about the way she personally challenged herself to reduce 90% of the waste that she produced every day. And how this challenge led to a number of personal and professional reinventions.   The episode also includes catch-up interviews with: Katherine Wong from Season 02 Episode 04 and Angie Wu from Season 01 Episode 18 00:00 - Trailer & Intro 01:30 - Part 1 24:41 - Part 2 32:07 - Outro 35:07 - Catch-Up Interview [1] 39:55 - Catch-Up Interview [2] Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at: Join the community: Instagram LinkedIn Facebook WeChat
The Hotpot Homo (XIE Xiao, SHQFF & CINEMQ)
The Hotpot Homo (XIE Xiao, SHQFF & CINEMQ)
There are two themes of today’s show: the first is location, and the second is queer identity. There exist derogatory stereotypes about both, which could be described as either xenophobic or homophobic. Today's conversation touches on the intersectionality of these stereotypes in China, and the way in which we can either casually dispel them or defiantly embrace them. In either case, we can have fun joking about them and stripping them of their venom.   As well as being involved in queer cinema projects such SHQFF and CINEMQ, today's guest Xie Xiao participates in many other queer voluntary groups in China. And he has many stories that reflect his own personal background, as well as those of the people with whom he engages in the China LGBTQ+ community.   The episode also includes catch-up interviews with: 'Cocosanti' from Season 02 Episode 05 and Sebastien Denes from Season 01 Episode 11 00:00 - Trailer & Intro 02:06 - Part 1 22:56 - Part 2 30:37 - Outro 33:18 - Catch-Up Interview [1] 37:55 - Catch-Up Interview [2] Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at: Join the community: Instagram LinkedIn Facebook WeChat
The Sleep Coach (Rumbiey MUCHENJE, Purposely Healthy)
The Sleep Coach (Rumbiey MUCHENJE, Purposely Healthy)
Is there anything more pathetically banal than talking about sleep? We all do it, so… who cares? Until recent years, that's what many of us would have said. But these days there's a growing recognition that sleep quality lies at the root of our holistic wellbeing, and is deserving of further investigation.   That's where we encounter a brand new problem. Since issues with sleep do indeed speak to a broader holistic imbalance, how do we even start to deconstruct the cocktail of behavioural, hormonal, environmental, medical and emotional factors that might be at play? And once diagnosed, how then do we avoid the modern temptation to seek quick fixes, and truly develop new habits and long-term solutions? Step in Rumbiey Muchenje to discuss the world of sleep coaching in China, and the story that took her from adolescence in Harare to ‘Sleepless in Shanghai’.   The episode also includes a catch-up interview with: Astrid Poghosyan from Season 01 Episode 04 Chapters 00:00 - Trailer & Intro 01:32 - Part 1 40:13 - Part 2 48:11 - Outro 51:02 - Catch-Up Interview Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at: Join the community: Instagram LinkedIn Facebook WeChat