325. Curiosity

The Long and The Short Of It

17-12-2024 • 16 mins

Isn't it amazing that a podcast meant for curious people has never had an episode based solely on curiosity? This week, Pete and Jen change all that, and noodle together on the subject that is the basis for the creation of this podcast.

Specifically, in this episode Jen and Pete talk about:

  • What does being curious mean?
  • What is curiosity in action?
  • How does approaching something with curiosity change the entire framework of your approach?

To hear all episodes and read full transcripts, visit The Long and The Short Of It website: https://thelongandtheshortpodcast.com/.

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Learn more about Pete's work here (https://humanperiscope.com/) and Jen's work here (https://jenwaldman.com/).