317. Go Slow To Go Fast

The Long and The Short Of It

22-10-2024 • 17 mins

This week, Jen (a planner) and Pete (not really a planner) go back and forth on what it means to go slow in order to go fast.

Specifically, in this episode Jen and Pete talk about:

  • In what ways might we spend more time preparing for the goals we want to achieve?
  • How might we craft our reach outs with gratitude?
  • Why might it be helpful to set a timeline for ourselves, before we start a project?

To hear all episodes and read full transcripts, visit The Long and The Short Of It website: https://thelongandtheshortpodcast.com/.

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Learn more about Pete's work here (https://humanperiscope.com/) and Jen's work here (https://jenwaldman.com/).