#5- Dear Choreographer: Ditch The Idea of the Genius

Lead & Create

12-07-2024 • 15 mins

In this episode, we dive deep into the myth of the "lone, tortured genius" in choreography and how it's time to stop justifying mistreatment on its account. We'll discuss a fascinating study on stress and creativity which is a collaboration from researchers in universities in Taiwan and UK, Brian Eno's concept of "scenius," and I will also share personal experiences of my dance career to strengthen the argument.Discover how the best leaders invest and inspire rather than intimidate or make dancers feel replaceable, and how creating a supportive environment can lead to greater creativity and artistic quality. We will also talk about the difference between being kind and being nice, for those afraid a good process might compromise their artistic vision.Join us as we challenge outdated notions and embrace a new vision of leadership in dance. And don't miss our exciting announcement about an upcoming guest speaker in our leadership training program launching next October!Tune in and let's redefine what it means to be a successful choreographer together.Resources: Study on stress versus creativity here