True Compassion

Erik Lydick

A Christian podcast examining homelessness, its particular challenges, and its community in and around Trenton NJ, and how the Christian Church can help. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


True Compassion - Liz - Sexually trafficked, saved by Jesus!
True Compassion - Liz - Sexually trafficked, saved by Jesus!
Liz was sexually traffic at a young age, abused by your parents, sold horribly as a child, moved into the foster care system, and eventually into homelessness and prostitution. Liz met help on the street that introduced her to Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. Liz went from the street into Jesus’s arms, a lifetime of pain, into the arms of love. Saved by Jesus Christ! sin.  How can I be saved? What do I need to do?  “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31).  God has already done all of the work. All you must do is receive, in faith, the salvation God offers (Ephesians 2:8-9). Fully trust in Jesus alone as the payment for your sins. Believe in Him, and you will not perish (John 3:16). God is offering you salvation as a gift. All you have to do is accept it. Jesus is the way of salvation (John 14:6). ------- Here is some other details; Women’s house details - RHM MERCY HOUSE Video 1 - "A Question asked of women struggling in homelessness - Episode 1" Video 2 - A question asked of women struggling in homelessness - Episode 2" Website - Facebook -Restoring Hearts Ministries of Gofundme - The RHM Mercy House for Women, organized by Erik Lydick In Christ, Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton (609)358-3258 Cell (855)753-7876 Office Website : Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries Email -
Breanne - From sin to surrender
Breanne - From sin to surrender
Breanne’s testimony is powerful! Surrender  To Surrender means to give oneself up, as into the power of another;  submit or yield.  And often this can’t be done,  until our Will and flesh has been defeated When we are on our knees, realizing maybe for the first time that our WILL power isn’t enough to save us  When life becomes unmanageable, surrender is the last thing on our minds.  We are fighting to stand up again, but our own plans, our own will power its not enough.  This is where God comes in...When we reach the age when we can make moral choices, we must choose whether to follow our own sinful desires or to seek God.   Joshua 24:15 - Says "And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, jchoose this day whom you will serve, whether hthe gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or kthe gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”   In Breanne’s case she didn’t initially believe in Jesus Christ, but thankfully Jesus Christ believed in her.   Surrender is a battle term. It implies giving up all rights to the conqueror. When an opposing army surrenders, they lay down their arms, and the winners take control from then on.   Surrendering to God works the same way. Breanne made a choice to trust Jesus and thank God she did! God had a plan for her life, and God has a plan for our lives as well, and surrendering to Him means we set aside our own plans and eagerly seek His.   The good news is that God’s plan for us is always in our best interest    Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare2 and not for evil, xto give you a future and a hope."   Unlike our own plans that often lead to destruction.   Proverbs 14:12 says "There is a way that seems right to a man, but uits end is the way to death."   Our Lord is a Wise and Generous victor;   He conquers us to bless us.   Thank you Lord Jesus!  God Bless you all! Please share this story  😊 Help us raise awareness 👍 Please subscribe 💪 Please share out! 🙏     Please know that all interviews with people struggling in homelessness are given by the permission of the person interviewed and their hearts desire is that you would know their stories, how homelessness is impacting them, Trenton and that you would please pray for them. They are wonderful beautiful people, worthy of love and our prayers. Many of the people that you’re hear on this podcast are in various stages of their walk with Christ. Some may not know Him at all.     Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton is an evangelistic Christian ministry that is focused on bringing hope and love to the communities around us by shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness through evangelism, detailed study of the Bible, and walking through life with those that walk with us in a caring and consistent way. As Christians we have been called to share Christ’s truth, love and compassionate care which Restoring Hearts does through service and constant outreach into the communities around us.   Donations to support our mission can be submitted through our website. If you'd like more information please reach out to us.   God bless you in Christ's name!      Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton      (855)753-7876 Office    Website :    Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries
Derek Strauss - homelessness in Dallas / Fort Worth
Derek Strauss - homelessness in Dallas / Fort Worth
Derek Strauss - Homelessness in Dallas/Fort Worth Give a listen and God bless you. Please share this story  😊 Help us raise awareness 👍 Please subscribe 💪 Please share out! 🙏    Please know that all interviews with people struggling in homelessness are given by the permission of the person interviewed and their hearts desire is that you would know their stories, how homelessness is impacting them, Trenton and that you would please pray for them. They are wonderful beautiful people, worthy of love and our prayers. Many of the people that you’re hear on this podcast are in various stages of their walk with Christ. Some may not know Him at all.    Thank you!     Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton is an evangelistic Christian ministry that is focused on bringing hope and love to the communities around us by shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness through evangelism, detailed study of the Bible, and walking through life with those that walk with us in a caring and consistent way. As Christians we have been called to share Christ’s truth, love and compassionate care which Restoring Hearts does through service and constant outreach into the communities around us.  Donations to support our mission can be submitted through our website. If you'd like more information please reach out to us.  God bless you in Christ's name!     Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton     (855)753-7876 Office    Website :    Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries
Rob&Tracey - Homeless together. A story of a homeless couple.
Rob&Tracey - Homeless together. A story of a homeless couple.
Breaking up a homeless couple is unthinkable, but it is what the system requires, because the help isn’t there for those that found a partner and are walking together in the struggle. Rob and Tracey have suffered individually and together in life and now are trying to survive a new deeper level of trauma together, homelessness. You can bet, they feel the world is against them and love and trust are hard to provide and find. Thier trials remind me of Psalm 25 - here are the first 5 verses. 1  To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. 2  O my God, in you I trust; let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me. 3  Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous. 4  Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. 5  Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. God is faithful, and each day we can choose to surrender to God’s love, battle the trials in our lives as best we can, and ultimately rest in God’s grace and compassion. This is what Rob and Tracey are attempting to do! Give a listen and God bless you. Please share Rob&Tracey’s story  😊 Help us raise awareness 👍 Please subscribe 💪 Please share out! 🙏    Please know that all interviews with people struggling in homelessness are given by the permission of the person interviewed and their hearts desire is that you would know their stories, how homelessness is impacting them, Trenton and that you would please pray for them. They are wonderful beautiful people, worthy of love and our prayers. Many of the people that you’re hear on this podcast are in various stages of their walk with Christ. Some may not know Him at all.   Thank you!    Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton is an evangelistic Christian ministry that is focused on bringing hope and love to the communities around us by shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness through evangelism, detailed study of the Bible, and walking through life with those that walk with us in a caring and consistent way. As Christians we have been called to share Christ’s truth, love and compassionate care which Restoring Hearts does through service and constant outreach into the communities around us.  Donations to support our mission can be submitted through our website. If you'd like more information please reach out to us.  God bless you in Christ's name!    Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton    (855)753-7876 Office   Website :   Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries
"Glenn" - Loosing it all, Redeemed by Christ
"Glenn" - Loosing it all, Redeemed by Christ
The bible teaches in 1 Timothy 2:6 that Christ gave himself as a ransom for all. What does that mean to you and me? Let's find out through this dear brothers testimony.  Give it a listen and let his story introduce you to the Redeemer. Please share Glenn's story  😊 Help us raise awareness 👍 Please subscribe 💪 Please share out! 🙏    Please know that all interviews with people struggling in homelessness are given by the permission of the person interviewed and their hearts desire is that you would know their stories, how homelessness is impacting them, Trenton and that you would please pray for them. They are wonderful beautiful people, worthy of love and our prayers. Many of the people that you’re hear on this podcast are in various stages of their walk with Christ. Some may not know Him at all.   Thank you!    Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton is an evangelistic Christian ministry that is focused on bringing hope and love to the communities around us by shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness through evangelism, detailed study of the Bible, and walking through life with those that walk with us in a caring and consistent way. As Christians we have been called to share Christ’s truth, love and compassionate care which Restoring Hearts does through service and constant outreach into the communities around us.  Donations to support our mission can be submitted through our website. If you'd like more information please reach out to us.  God bless you in Christ's name!    Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton    (855)753-7876 Office   Website :   Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries
"Mike" - From the valley floor to Hope in Christ
"Mike" - From the valley floor to Hope in Christ
The Bible has a lot to say about Hope.  Biblical hope has as its foundation in faith in God. Mike’s testimony is a wonderful journey from the valley floor. Mike found a new level of relationship in Jesus, from acquaintance to friend and he’s now doing the best he can with help around him to follow in the footsteps of his Savior and discovering that accepting Jesus as Lord, isn’t as hard as it sounds. Amen  Please share Mike's story  😊 Help us raise awareness 👍 Please subscribe 💪 Please share out! 🙏   Please know that all interviews with people struggling in homelessness are given by the permission of the person interviewed and their hearts desire is that you would know their stories, how homelessness is impacting them, Trenton and that you would please pray for them. They are wonderful beautiful people, worthy of love and our prayers. Many of the people that you’re hear on this podcast are in various stages of their walk with Christ. Some may not know Him at all.  Thank you!   Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton is an evangelistic Christian ministry that is focused on bringing hope and love to the communities around us by shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness through evangelism, detailed study of the Bible, and walking through life with those that walk with us in a caring and consistent way. As Christians we have been called to share Christ’s truth, love and compassionate care which Restoring Hearts does through service and constant outreach into the communities around us.  Donations to support our mission can be submitted through our website. If you'd like more information please reach out to us. God bless you in Christ's name!   Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton   (855)753-7876 Office   Website :   Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries
"Janierah" - Once lost, now found and safely returned to the flock of Jesus!
"Janierah" - Once lost, now found and safely returned to the flock of Jesus!
Imagine the Shepherd finding the lost exhausted sheep and picking it up, He lays it across His shoulders to bring it safely back to the rest of the flock - this is Janierah's story! God loves bringing back the lost, God loves a heart returning to Him, God loves to save and heal, God loves protecting and caring for His flock And no one is out of God’s reach. And God has the same desires for us, as His hands and Feet. Thank God that Janierah responded to God’s call, like a lost sheep hearing the voice of her shepherd once lost, now safely back in the flock. Amen Please share Janierah's story 😊 Help us raise awareness 👍 Please subscribe 💪 Please share out! 🙏  Please know that all interviews with people struggling in homelessness are given by the permission of the person interviewed and their hearts desire is that you would know their stories, how homelessness is impacting them, Trenton and that you would please pray for them. They are wonderful beautiful people, worthy of love and our prayers. Many of the people that you’re hear on this podcast are in various stages of their walk with Christ. Some may not know Him at all.  Thank you!  Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton is an evangelistic Christian ministry that is focused on bringing hope and love to the communities around us by shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness through evangelism, detailed study of the Bible, and walking through life with those that walk with us in a caring and consistent way. As Christians we have been called to share Christ’s truth, love and compassionate care which Restoring Hearts does through service and constant outreach into the communities around us. Donations to support our mission can be submitted through our website. If you'd like more information please reach out to us. God bless you in Christ's name!  Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton  (855)753-7876 Office  Website :  Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries
"Maureen" - Childhood sexual and physical abuse, into homelessness and into faith in Jesus Christ!
"Maureen" - Childhood sexual and physical abuse, into homelessness and into faith in Jesus Christ!
Childhood abuse has multiple negative impacts on lifetime development. Maureen struggled in life but found help in her sustainer Jesus Christ. Throughout Scripture, God is described as the one who sustains all things (Hebrews 1:3). He strengthens, protects, encourages, and comforts. In Hebrew, the title "God Almighty" is written as El Shaddai and means “God, the All-powerful One” The title speaks to God’s ultimate power over all. He has all might and power. Maureen is a new believer. Listen to Maureen’s story as she shares how God is impacted her life, has sustained her in trails and has helped her to continue to grow in Christ. Please share Maureen's story 😊 Help us raise awareness 👍 Please subscribe 💪 Please share out! 🙏 Please know that all interviews with people struggling in homelessness are given by the permission of the person interviewed and their hearts desire is that you would know their stories, how homelessness is impacting them, Trenton and that you would please pray for them. They are wonderful beautiful people, worthy of love and our prayers. Many of the people that you’re hear on this podcast are in various stages of their walk with Christ. Some may not know Him at all. Thank you! Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton is an evangelistic Christian ministry that is focused on bringing hope and love to the communities around us by shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness through evangelism, detailed study of the Bible, and walking through life with those that walk with us in a caring and consistent way. As Christians we have been called to share Christ’s truth, love and compassionate care which Restoring Hearts does through service and constant outreach into the communities around us. Donations to support our mission can be submitted through our website. If you'd like more information please reach out to us. God bless you in Christ's name! Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton (855)753-7876 Office Website : Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries
"Tosha Rutledge - The Good News Home for Women"
"Tosha Rutledge - The Good News Home for Women"
Please share Tosha’s story 😊 Help us raise awareness 👍 Please subscribe 💪 Please share out! 🙏 The Good News Home for Women is located at; 33 Bartles Corner Road, Flemington, NJ 08822 Email : Website : Please know that all interviews with people struggling in homelessness are given by the permission of the person interviewed and their hearts desire is that you would know their stories, how homelessness is impacting them, Trenton and that you would please pray for them. They are wonderful beautiful people, worthy of love and our prayers. Many of the people that you’re hear on this podcast are in various stages of their walk with Christ. Some may not know Him at all. Thank you! Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton is an evangelistic Christian ministry that is focused on bringing hope and love to the communities around us by shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness through evangelism, detailed study of the Bible, and walking through life with those that walk with us in a caring and consistent way. As Christians we have been called to share Christ’s truth, love and compassionate care which Restoring Hearts does through service and constant outreach into the communities around us. Donations to support our mission can be submitted through our website. If you'd like more information please reach out to us. God bless you in Christ's name! Restoring Hearts Ministries of Trenton (855)753-7876 Office Website : Facebook : RestoringHeartsMinistries