
Something Rhymes with Purple

14-05-2024 • 40 mins

Join Susuie and Gyles this week as they unravel the linguistic roots behind murder. From the ancient origins of 'homicide' to the sinister evolution of 'assassination', we uncover the words we use to describe humanity's darkest deeds. We love hearing from you, find us @SomethingRhymes on Twitter and Facebook, @SomethingRhymesWith on Instagram or you can email us on our email address here: Want even more purple, people? Join the Purple Plus Club by clicking the banner in Apple podcasts or head to to listen on other platforms' Don’t forget that you can join us in person at our upcoming tour, tap the link to find tickets:  Enjoy Susie’s Trio for the week:  Suasible: Susceptible to persuasion. Rannygazoo: Nonsense. Fudgel: To make a big show of working whilst doing nothing at all. Gyles' poem this week was 'The Stern Parent' by Harry Graham Father heard his Children scream, So he threw them in the stream, Saying, as he drowned the third, "Children should be seen, not heard!" A Sony Music Entertainment production.   Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at     To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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