Paige - Ponderosa Creative

I Love Notions

19-09-2023 • 38 mins

Paige started Ponderosa creative as a new mom, taking a break from the environmental field after being burnt out by academia during her master's degree at Evergreen. In addition to running her business, she works in the enviornmental field - specifically municipal stormwater.

She designs her Ponderosa Creative Thread Gloss with both the environment and quilters in mind - creating scents for quilters while designing a product that has a low impact on the environment. She also creates hand-sewn goods, and has a great sense of style.

Some quick details about Paige: scorpio, neurodivergent, mother, wife, enneagram 5w6 (investigator-loyalist), and in between meyers-briggs ENTP (visionary) and INTP (logician).