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Midtown Church Austin
Jake Box
Sermon podcasts from Midtown Church in Austin, TX
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Religion & Spirituality
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1w ago
Series: Stand Alone Title: Don't Be Afraid Of Your Shadow
Isaiah takes us through a survey of 1 Peter encouraging us to face our shadows. We can't step into the light of the Son if we're too afraid to face the shadows within.
1w ago
Series: Stand Alone Title: Don't Be Afraid Of Your Shadow
Isaiah takes us through a survey of 1 Peter encouraging us to face our shadows. We can't step into the light of the Son if we're too afraid to face the shadows within.
Series: Wisdom For Life Title: How To Live It
Jake finished our Wisdom For Life series by looking at Proverbs 4:5-9 & 18-27.
Series: Wisdom For Life Title: How To Get It
Matt continues our Wisdom For Life series by taking us through Proverbs 3.
Series: Wisdom For Life Title: What Is It
Jake starts our new sermon series called Wisdom For Life by teaching through Proverbs 1.
Series: John: Advent Title: Living Missionally
Josh teaches from 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 on the barriers and practical steps to living missionally.
Series: John: Advent Title: The Advent of Peace
Jake finishes up our Advent series by taking a look at Hop in Luke 1:26-38 & 24:13-27.
Series: John: Advent Title: The Advent of Peace
This week Matt takes us through Isaiah 9:6-7 & Revelation 21 teaching on peace.
Series: John: Advent Title: The Advent of Joy
Jake continues our Advent series by talking about Joy and takes us through Luke 2:1-20 & Philippians 4:4-8.
Series: John: Advent Title: The Advent of Love
We start our Advent series and Justin takes us through 1 John 4:7-12.
Series: John: I Am Statements Title: I Am the Vine
Today Dwight Edwards finishes up our sermon series on the I Am statements of Jesus. He takes us through the statement, "I Am the Vine."
Series: John: I Am Statements Title: I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Justin teaches on Jesus' statement, "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
Series: John: I Am Statements Title: I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Carline teaches through Jesus' statement, ""I Am the Resurrection and the Life."
Series: John: I Am Statements Title: I Am the Good Shepherd
Jake teaches on the passage in John where Jesus calls himself the good shepherd.
Series: John: I Am Statements Title: I Am the Gate
This week we look at Jesus statement, "I am the gate."
Series: John: I Am Statements Title: I Am the Light of the World
Matt teaches on the statement of Jesus, "I Am the Light of the World."
Series: John: I Am Statements Title: I Am the Bread of Life
Justin starts our new series called John: I Am Statements. This week we look at Jesus saying I am the bread of life and what that means.
Series: Practicing the Way Title: Life Together
Jake finishes up our Practicing the Way series with the final sermon about doing life together. The best way to grow in Christ likeness is going to be in community with other believers.
Series: Practicing the Way Title: Healing From Sin
This week Matt continues our Practicing the Way series with the topic healing from sin.
Series: Practicing the Way Title: Meeting God in Pain and Suffering
Jake continues our Practicing the Way series and talks about meeting God in pain and suffering
Series: Practicing the Way Title: The Practices
Jake continues our Practicing the Way series by teaching through the practices.