IP: The Yin and the Yang for entrepreneurs #1 - with Dr. Sheryl Genco

IP Stories

25-04-2023 • 19 mins

This episode is part of our Word IP Day special, that this year is about ‘Women and IP: Accelerating innovation and creativity’. To honour such an important subject, we have interviewed four successful women inventors with extensive IP knowledge. Their stories and messages of encouragement for anyone interested in pursuing their careers in the STEM industries, and particularly for young women, are inspiring. If you enjoy this episode as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you, please remember to share and follow us!

In this episode we talk with Dr. Sheryl Genco. She is VP CTO of Advanced Technology Group at Ericsson. Before, she was Senior R&D Manager at Honeywell Quantum Solutions. She is also the co-founder of a successful STEM focussed school and last year she founded of a national scholarship in USA for female engineers, in cooperation with Ericson.  We have talked with her about education, the importance to stand on the strength of your work and ability, and how intellectual property is the foundation for any company to move forward. "I love learning, I love engeneering and I love working with people on top problems"

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