In the Wait Soaking Worship

In the Wait Worship

A live mix of live spontaneous lo-fi soaking worship, music instrumental for prayer, meditation, rest and study.

This channel seeks to facilitate encounters with God… These sessions are not so much to watch (although you may be interested in the live looping of violin / piano / vocals / Ableton Push with beats and synths!) These sessions are more to sit or lie back, close your eyes and let the music take you to a deep encounter with God. They’re all completely live - no post or pre-production… musical surprises and all!

Our prayer is that you may be able to focus on God or meditate on scripture as you listen.

We’d LOVE to hear about your experiences in prayer, so please comment…. & Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any new releases.

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Worship In the Quiet Place - In the Wait
Worship In the Quiet Place - In the Wait
Hi, so this morning's session is about being still and quieting ourselves once again.Last night, we had a fantastic gospel choir concert. I was responsible for pulling the choir together, and a lot of time, effort, joy, and even some angst went into it. Last night was our first performance, and my voice is a bit hoarse today. We had such a wonderful time praising loudly with the band—there are about 20 of us in the choir.This morning, I had a real sense of wanting to be still and quiet. I came across this beautiful verse in Psalm 131, which says:"My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me."What an interesting analogy, isn’t it? As a mother of three, I’ve experienced weaning with a couple of our children. Our youngest child is adopted, so I didn’t nurse her, but I do feed her.The analogy is so fascinating because, with little babies, there’s often a restlessness when they’re near their mothers—they always seem ready to nurse. But once they’re weaned, you can sit with them, still and quiet, without that constant need or urgency. It’s a kind of peacefulness that’s very special.I hadn’t noticed this particular verse in the psalm before, but it struck me today. It inspired me to quiet myself and simply enjoy being still—not even asking God for anything or talking about anything else, but just saying, “Okay, I’m going to still myself and quiet my soul.” In that peaceful place, I could truly experience His presence in a beautiful way.It was exactly what I needed this morning, and I believe God enjoyed that time with me as well.Our prayer is that, as we’ve enjoyed this encounter with God this morning, you too will be able to experience His presence. Whether you’re at home or wherever you are, we hope you can use this music to create a moment of stillness and connection.Many blessings to you.Support the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Surrender all to Jesus in Worship
Surrender all to Jesus in Worship
Find out more - frequently I (Hannah) feel overwhelmed by different things going on around me & the juggle of a beautifully full life. Just reading the news of the world or thinking about the level of suffering or HUGE need of so many - it can be A LOT! Jesus said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11v28. There is a definite letting go that needs to happen on my part… Like carrying a rucksack of worries to Jesus in prayer & then needing to leave them with Him, rather than putting the full backpack back on again. I find it really helpful to sing the old hymn ‘I surrender all’. “All to Him my blessed (amazing) saviour”… We’re sooooooo grateful that we can ‘surrender all to Him’. From my experience, things that are beyond my control need to be given to Him in prayer frequently - & practicing not worrying is something I need to keep working at! Our prayer is that you encounter some of Jesus’ peace as you use this to help you still yourself and your mind in prayer. He’s incredible at holding the tension of both pain & amazing hope together. Support the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Giving my all in Worship
Giving my all in Worship
Have it All… Ever feel like your mind is so full of so many things, issues, to do items, problems needing to be solved? This session was one of those days that my mind was so full - a little chaotic in truth & it felt like so many things I was ‘juggling’ were out of my control with a whole bunch of moving parts - making decisions really tricky. I had the privilege of working with ​⁠ @epiphanycollective   that week, but one event with our local refugee community had been cancelled and we really wanted to do something that would serve those guys… When singing, “we lay our burdens down” whilst litterally visualising giving God (naming & handing over) this during this soaking session, my prayer was that He will take the burden off me & in His amazing way, make something work out. Over the years I’ve walked with Jesus, He’s sorted things out sooooo many times where it seemed impossible for me to do so… This particular morning, litterally about 2 minutes after we’d finished the session, my hubby said he was having a Zoom meeting with an old friend of mine (Rosanna Leal) who I hadn’t been in touch with for over a year… possibly more. Rosanna had contacted him about a project they needed his help for - for the first time…. Long story short - I stayed in the studio for a minute to say hi to this amazing lady & she told me about their refugee cafe called ‘Dove Cafe’ in Bexhill - 2 minutes later , Epiphany had been invited to come and play ‘sound portraits’ for the refugees in the Dove Cafe in two days time.. God has an amazing way of working things out - in ways that we couldn’t have even thought of - orchestrating people to think of and contact eachother after years - opening up fab opportunities. When we actively ‘lay our burdens down’ before Jesus, He has an amazing way of sorting things out by giving us the wisdom or by intervening in an incredible way. How amazing that He loves to ‘carry us’ like this - caring about the smallest of details in our lives. SUCH a privilege to walk with Him in this way. If you need a bunch of prayers answered & to hand over a load of burdens - I really really encourage you to do so - see what happens when we surrender our control over to Him - it’s so often, really beautiful! (& do let us know the stories!)  Support the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Holy Forever Soaking Worship
Holy Forever Soaking Worship 24 has been super relevant in 2024 for us and so many others. I (Hannah) wrote a song based on this psalm a. While back. “We seek Your face, come take Your place, King of Glory come in. Lift up you gates, we bow our heads, King of Glory come in.” Les Moir helped write the song (Les is good friend of ours who has had extensive experience in shaping some very well known music from Christian worship leaders such as Marin Smith (Delirious), Mat Redman, Graham Kendrick etc… such a gift to us too!) We feel so strongly that we want to invite Jesus into the spaces in and around us…. As I’ve said before - we know He’s in us and through us already… BUT there is a sense that we want to welcome more of His spirit into our minds (transforming our sometimes warped thinking), into our heart and emotions - His peace, His incredible unconditional love… into our bodies where we are tired and weary. Our prayer is that we welcome Him more into our communities too… His love, his grace, His redemption - His Heavenly ‘order’ where there is chaos, anxiety & confusion. We then go into one of my favourite worship songs at the moment ‘Holy Forever’. An epic writing collaboration of Brian and Jen Johnson, Phil Wickham, Chris Tomlin and Jason Ingram! We hope that this worship journey will encourage a beautiful God wncounter for you. 🙏🏻Support the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Finding Faith Live Soaking Worship
Finding Faith Live Soaking Worship
Deeper FAITH in Worship & Spontaneous Soaking Meditation Live Studio SessionHebrews 12:2: "Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith"I couldn’t get this phrase out of my head when leading worship on Sunday. “Can’t take my eyes off You”. There are so many Bible verses about fixing our eyes on God (Jesus mainly in the NT of course!). We are sooooo good a navel gazing aren’t we! BUT It’s really not great for us to be focused on ourselves or our own situations all the time. Using something for escapism is one way to deal with this… OR much better still; meditating on Higher things or “eternal unseen things”… 2 Corinthians 4:18 says: “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”. That sums it up! Thats wisdom right there. Escaping rarely changes our situation or our perspective, but ‘fixing our eyes on Him’ literally changes the way we think, the way we feel and sometimes the whole situation changes too! LOVE IT! We love turning our attention to Him & pray that this session will help you to do just that too :) The heart behind this channel is to facilitate you to have encounters with God. We pray that this is a reality for you :) Do tell us if so!Support the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Waiting for Breakthrough Worship in Hope
Waiting for Breakthrough Worship in Hope
Find out more read this fab Bible verse the other day and knew I needed to sing it for this session:Micah 7:7-8 (NIV version) “But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.”Whatever battle we might be facing, we can be assured that God will hear us and therefore we can ‘watch in Hope’. He might not answer in the way we’d like or are expecting… but He always hears and answers in one form or another.Lamentations 3:25 says; “The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To those who seek Him.”I might start a soaking session feeling a bit rushed - we’ve usually been up super early, going on a run, doing a load of washing, unloading the dishwasher, styling at least one or two of our kids hair, abiding to various other parent requests to help with booking school lunch or making lunch boxes, listening to our youngest read… rushing them off the school buses and… phew… soaking time! Ha! But a few minutes in & we begin to relax, feel His peace again! I know I can ‘watch with hope’… whatever the morning has been like, He will always LOVE that we’re looking to Him for an encounter. I can give our kids to Him & anything else on my mind too - in genuine hope that He will hear and answer me & ‘run’ to meet with me as I shift my focus from myself and situation to Him.We pray that this session will help facilitate this same sense of peace & hope too. Do tell us if so!Waiting for BREAKTHROUGH Worship & Spontaneous Soaking Meditation in StudioSupport the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Soaking Worship for Depression
Soaking Worship for Depression
Watch it live: Thankfulness - medicine for depression.. Psalm 141 v 2: May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.Beat Depression with thankfulness Spontaneous Worship & Soaking Meditation in Studio Praise is Rising Up:Psychologists agree with the scriptures that one of the best antidotes to poor mental health is gratitude. Praise is ultimately gratitude to God - not just for what He’s done for us (& we might not understand some of the tricky situations that we’re in)… but for WHO He is…. We have so much to Thank God for. Literally reading some of His character traits are amazing & deserve a whole bunch of praise, obviously the HUGE sacrifice of Jesus, the incredible creation, the fact that we’re alive and breathing… so so much! Psalm 141 v 2: says; “May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.”  This is my prayer too - that my praise & worship will ‘rise’ to the throne soon of God and be like a sweet aroma to God. All the while we worship, our intention is to bless HIM, but all the while, things shift around us too - we gain His perspective, we feel His peace, we receive His joy, I have even experienced supernatural healings or massive changes in physical circumstances within my life (& the lives of those around me).I encourage you to praise… it’s sooo good - especially when it’s hard and we don’t feel like it. It’s even more beautiful to God when it’s a sacrifice of praise. Support the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Have Mercy Soaking Worship
Have Mercy Soaking Worship
Have mercy on us This mornings session felt like a heavy one. I (Hannah) felt that we should focus on Pslam 51; King David’s poem of repentance. There is so much crisis around us - so many systems that are deeply broken in our society - not just in the UK, but around the world. Sometimes we just need to sit in lament & ask for mercy. I personally wanted to pray for mercy too - some attitudes & behaviours of mine need ‘tweaking’ to say the least! It’s a horrible feeling when you feel convicted… BUT it’s amazing to know that God welcomes us with HUGE loving arms & forgives us when we come to him - knowing that we are made righteous - not through our own ‘good’, but through Jesus’ righteousness… His giving of Himself on the cross means we can be saved from the consequence of our own wrongs - that Jesus chose to take the consequences of sin upon himself, dying with them & as he came back from the dead - He brings us into a new life too! I decided to sing the whole of Pslam 51 (I didn’t realise how long it was until I’d got half way through 😆) You might notice Theade leaning over to me and saying that we needed to ‘move on’ - but I hadn’t finished the psalm so we had to push through to the glorious end lol! We hope and pray that this will be used as a tool for your own lament over situations you are undoubtedly facing too. May you know His comfort in your struggles. Blessings xSupport the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
In Your Presence
In Your Presence
To Be In Your Presence by Noel Richards is such a classic staple worship song… I  (Hannah) love taking bits of the song & incorporating or in our soaking sessions… “To be in your presence not rushing away… to cherish each moment.. here I will stay…” This sums up the essence of our vision as In The Wait. I can hear the theological arguments of some folk who may say… “we are always in God’s presence” etc etc… Yes I agree! BUT when we turn our ‘spiritual eyes’ (imagination eyes / the eyes of our heart) towards Jesus & still ourselves… we find a deeper sense of His Presence. I’ve practiced this since beau g encouraged to do so by an amazing youth leader ‘Malcome Morgan’ when I was 11 years old - waiting in prayer until something shifts in me - my heart is moved, I sometimes have an overwhelming sense of God’s love, sometimes the atmosphere feels ‘thick’ with His peace… or electric with some kind of Heavenly joy & excitement… Sometimes I need to just believe that He’s close and it takes longer for something to shift in my heart and mind… other times, it’s almost instant… What a gift we have as human beings - to access something of the presence of the Creator of the whole world through the person of Jesus Christ! I say this often, but when I sense his presence (along with millions of Jesus followers around the world & through the ages…) I feel most ‘at home’, most ‘held’ most ‘understood, loved cherished, peaceful’.  He meets me in my pain, my confusion, my questions.. and I know - beyond a shadow of a doubt, that His desire to have my full attention & let me know how much I’m cherished is even greater than my desire to connect with Him. Wow. What a beautiful mysterious and awesome truth! We’d love to hear your experiences too - or if you haven’t yet experienced this… give it a go - ask Jesus to reveal himself to you. Support the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Our Affection Our Devotion
Our Affection Our Devotion
Our AffectionWhen I stop & look at Jesus’ face in my minds eye (I call this my ‘imagination eyes’ to our kids) something moves in my heart, emotions, mind and even body…. I literally feel a ‘warmth,’ a comfort, deep sense of being loved & seen and known & safe… it’s honestly the best! Whatever is going on for me - however things are difficult, I find peace and comfort in this ‘posture’. I find it really helps me to visualise Jesus - this moves my heart more than if I just talk (pray) without visualising. It’s so good for us to then ‘pour our affections’ onto Him - there is something sooo intrinsically healthy for the human soul & spirit to ‘love on’ & show our deep gratitude to someone else - moving our attention from ourselves & onto Him. I have a friend who used to ‘do life consciously with Jesus’ but doesn’t any more. She is a psychiatrist and loves to now call Jesus my ‘imaginary freind’. Lol! I guess, my picture in my minds eye may be WAY off what Jesus looks like in the flesh, but it’s more of a ‘spirit to spirit’ looking - rather than really defined physical features. I’d love to know what you see if you ever worship Him too - it fascinates me how different we are at relating to God between those of us who seek this… I could take a step back and physiologically analyse this - perhaps even as some form of ‘make belief’ as I visualise Him - but the reality of my sense of deep belonging, the comfort, the wisdom I’ve found in Jesus - which lines up with the experience of millions of other Jesus followers throughout generations, would take more ‘faith’ for me to deny Him! I love this song ‘Jesus we love You’ written by Paul and Hannah McClure, - especially the lines, “our affection our devotion poured out on the feet of Jesus”… it helps me engage my spirit & visualise pouring myself & my ‘affections’ out to Him as I sing. Try it if you haven’t already - & we’d love to hear how you get on :) xSupport the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
Sleep & Soaking Worship
Sleep & Soaking Worship
Live Worship Sleep and Soak in the Presence - Seek His FaceWelcome to our live-streamed session of Cinematic Soaking Worship, where we blend live prayer, meditation, focus and study music. Today's session focuses on the theme of “just being”. The prayer language is such a gift. We’re so grateful for it. Quite often, my own words just don’t cut it. I run out & don’t even have words to connect my spirit with The Spirit of God. Heaven language (some call it ‘the gift of tongues’) is an incredible spiritual gift that I use frequently to connect to God without having to engage my mind - spirit to Spirit. Jesus takes about sitting at the right hand side of Father God and interceding for us. I believe that as we pray with the Heaven language, we are actually joining with Heavens prayers - for ourselves, for those around us, for… Heaven knows what else! Sometimes I have a sense of what I’m praying about - sometimes I don’t: sometimes people recognise some of the words in their own earthly language, other times, people know exactly what is being prayed & will bring an interpretation. Toward the end, I sing “To see your face, the glory of Your face.” Once singing / praying in Heaven language, sometimes other words can burst out…. Picturing His face as we worship is awesome. Seeing His face and meditating on it is the most fulfilling thing on earth! If you have a sense of what else is being prayed using Heaven language, do let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any new releases too.Support the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait
30 Minute Soaking Worship
30 Minute Soaking Worship
Welcome to our live-streamed session of Cinematic Soaking Worship, where we blend live prayer, meditation, focus and study music. Today's session focuses on the theme from the book of James in the Bible - chapter 4 & verse 8 “Draw near to God and He will come close to you”. We’ve always loved meditating on God & enjoying His presence. We are given the invitation to draw close to Him & the promise is that He will come close to us. The reality probably is more that as we spend time meditating on Him, our hearts, body’s and minds become more aware of His presence & He ‘feels’ super close. There have been times when I literally have had my breath taken away as I feel this immense sense of the BEAUTIFUL presence of God. If this is something you’ve never done before - I challenge you! Close your eyes and ask God to reveal Himself to you. Dare to open your heart and my prayer is that you will never be disappointed with what you experience! This channel seeks to facilitate those God encounters… We’d LOVE to hear about your experiences in the comments below. Live Music for Prayer, Meditation, and Study | Cinematic Soaking Worship with Live Looping - Theme ‘You come closer still’30 Minutes of Live Worship Instrumental & Soaking Meditation - You Come CloserSupport the showDon't forget to Subscribe and leave a comment. ➜ More info ➜ Watch live Support us ➜ Join our Patreon ➜ Buy Me a Coffee - ⓒ inthewait