Entrepreneurs & Electric Guitars: Dive into Tebo's Weekly Adventures!


30-10-2023 β€’ 11 mins

Hey there! It's Paul Tebo here with another dose of the musical journey and adventures from my world.

Jump in this week to see a deep dive into the often demanding life of an entrepreneur with a passion. While I absolutely adore what I do, boundaries can become blurred.

I've also got a musical treat with electric rhythms from the song "Silent Running," and some gorgeous sunset views from Ste Annes Locks.

And what's that? Did the studio cats really try to get updated on the current news? And a BIG shoutout to some musician pals, Andre & Tarik, who dropped by the studio for some good ol' musical discussion over pints.

If live performances are your thing, catch glimpses from my solo gig at Mckibbins in Vaudreuil, and you might just be as impressed by a surprise guest as I was! Plus, get a peek into the nitty-gritty of audio-video setups for live gigs. It's not always smooth sailing, especially with those bulky files AND so many options in the world of video cameras!

Speaking of live, the Cunninghams Jams are always a thrill, along with an unlikely October heatwave in Montreal. And before we wrap up, I've got two special duo performances, one with the incredible Rad Crasto and another with the illustrious Antoine Tousignant.

And if you've ever wondered how a musician unwinds - it's by cleaning gutters. At least in my case. πŸ˜‚

Stay tuned for more from the Tebovision vlog. It's a mix of music, life, some unexpected turns, and tons of fun. Stay musical, stay passionate, and catch you in the next one! 🎸🎢



00:00 Intro

00:15 Balancing Entrepreneur Life

01:42 Recording Electric Guitar for Silent Running

03:28 Sunset at Ste Annes Locks

04:05 Studio Cat Shenanigans

04:14 Andre & Tarik Visit LV

04:45 Tebo Solo at Mckibbins Vaudreuil

06:11 Audio & Video Production for Live

08:53 Cunninghams Thursday Jammers

09:38 Warm October in Montreal

09:49 Tebo & Rad Duo Crasto at Cunninghams

10:39 Cleaning the Guttres

10:58 Tebo & Antoine Tousignant Duo at Cunninghams

#Tebovision #IndieMusicLife #MusicalAdventures #EntrepreneurialSpirit #SunsetAtSteAnnes #StudioCats #LiveJams #GuitarRecording #MontrealMusicScene #CunninghamsJam #SilentRunningSong #GuitarDuos #OctoberInMontreal #TeboTunes #GigHighlights #LiveMusicMagic #BehindTheMusic #MusicAndLife

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