Talking Toughness with Monika Lozinskienė (Part Two)

Talking Toughness

19-08-2024 • 29 mins

In this pair of podcasts, we enter the world of the performing arts where we meet with Monika Lozinskiene, classical pianist. As well as developing a hugely successful career as a pianist, she has developed as a  Social Media expert and a business person who, despite her young age, has long understood that the world of music is, in important ways no different to any other world of work. If you want to succeed, you have to push yourself every day, see challenges as opportunities, have self-belief and confidence, and most of all… know your purpose – why are you doing this?

In Part 2 we explore how society can lose out on many great performers if their mental sensitivity has been inappropriately managed preventing them the chance to thrive later on in their lives.

By creating a culture of support, we can help these individuals thrive, leading to personal and societal benefits such as increased creativity, improved mental health, and a more diverse range of perspectives and talents being brought to the forefront of everyone's lives. These individuals, often referred to as "highly sensitive people," can bring unique perspectives, creativity, and innovative thinking to the table.

"Mental Toughness is not about doing difficult things, it's about you doing things that you might find difficult to do."  - Professor John Perry

Listen, learn and appreciate this very personal account.

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