Talking Toughness with Alessia Mevoli and Peter Sewell (Part Two)

Talking Toughness

16-09-2024 • 24 mins

We are living in exceptional times marked by the interests of an individual but also by the interests of the times they live in. Employability was and is still a crucial factor for individuals seeking rewarding careers and control over their lives.

It ensures an individual remains competitive in the job market. It involves not only the capability to obtain initial employment but also the adaptability required to meet new job requirements within the same organisation or find new employment if necessary.

In the second part of this podcast featuring Alessia Mevoli and Peter Sewell, the discussion highlights how Further and Higher Education institutions play a crucial role in enhancing student employability through innovative curriculum development, such as the introduction of the MAFA modules focused on mental agility, flexibility, and adaptability. This initiative reflects a collaborative partnership between students and institutions, outlining mutual expectations and responsibilities as they navigate their educational journey together.

Alessia and Peter are also contributing authors to AQR’s newly released book on employability, ‘The Employability Code - Unlocking the Most Employable Version of You' available on Amazon this week.

We hope you enjoy this learning piece.

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