Our guest for this second part of the show is Joanne Taylor.
Joanne is an early adopter of the 4Cs mental toughness concept and measures, who has led the way in its application with some of the toughest challenges in society.
One highly successful flagship 3-year project targeted reducing re-offending by young offenders coming to the end of their sentences. Joanne and her colleagues have shown that by creating self-awareness about their mental approach to the changes they face and developing strategies and tactics to manage what they learn, they can look forward positively to a life with better chances.
Talent Match Black Country works in partnership with unemployed young adults, aged 17-29, who have direct experience of offending and those who face disadvantage and are furthest from the labour market, to help them achieve:
Increased confidence, optimism and resilience.
Reduced levels and avoidance of re-offending.
Progress nearer and into sustainable employment.
For more information about the application of the 4Cs Mental Toughness Model and MTQ measure to enhance social mobility reach out to joanne@aqrconsulting.co.uk
Listen and learn.