Eternally Amy - A Sober Mom of Eight's Journey from Jail to Joy

Amy Liz Harrison

"We all have defining moments that shape our lives. One of mine was spening the night in jail after a DUI in 2011. I was at my lowest point - raw and broken. It felt like my life was over, but what I didn't know then was that actually just beginning." Join best-selling author Amy Liz Harrison as she chats about being a sober mom of 8, deconstruction of faith while in recovery, and other family adventures in travel. New episodes every week, so please subscribe to the show and join in Amy's journey from jail to joy. read less
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Breaking Chains: Suki Jones' Journey Through Addiction, Recovery, and Advocacy
Breaking Chains: Suki Jones' Journey Through Addiction, Recovery, and Advocacy
In this episode, we sit down with Suki Jones, a San Francisco Bay Area-based writer, mother, and long-term recovery advocate. Suki shares her harrowing journey through addiction and trauma, detailing her path to sobriety and the impact of harm reduction programs. From her tumultuous childhood to raising two children as a single mother while battling addiction, Suki's story is one of resilience and hope. She also discusses her debut memoir, "Sea, Swallow Me" and the importance of sharing personal stories to destigmatize addiction and recovery. Join us as we explore her transformative journey and her ongoing work in harm reduction advocacy. Key Points:  Suki's involvement with the syringe access program at Glide Church SFBoard membership at the Harm Reduction Treatment Center in San FranciscoImportance of harm reduction and addressing misconceptionsReal-life implications of fentanyl and the necessity of Narcan availabilityThe emotional and therapeutic process of writing "Sea, Swallow Me"Conversations with family and revisiting past traumasThe significance of sharing personal stories to inspire and educate others   Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: Learn more about Sea, Swallow Me:  Hashtags For This Episode: #AddictionRecovery #HarmReduction #Memoir #SukiJones #SeaSwallowMe #Sobriety #MentalHealth #RecoveryJourney #AddictionAwareness
Step 8: Making Amends - The 12 Steps for Anyone Who Wants Them
Step 8: Making Amends - The 12 Steps for Anyone Who Wants Them
In this episode, Amy explores the 8th Step: The process of making amends, reflecting on past harms, and nurturing meaningful relationships. Step 8 of the 12-step program is a crucial step, not only in repairing connections but also in reclaiming self-value and embracing the freedom of sobriety. Key Points: -Step 8 of the 12-step program, emphasizing its significance in personal growth and recovery. - Understanding the Process: Amy discusses the initial steps of Step 8, including reflecting on past wrongs and compiling a list of individuals we've harmed. - The Power of Self-Forgiveness: Amy emphasizes the importance of forgiving oneself and recognizing one's inherent worthiness of healing and freedom. - Navigating Relationships: Step 8 and 9 focus on repairing relationships, acknowledging that outcomes may vary, but acceptance is key to personal evolution. - The Healing Journey: Making amends is an ongoing process of self-examination, openness, and growth. - Practical Advice: Amy shares actionable tips for approaching Step 8, such as prayer, reflection, and seeking support from a sponsor. - Embracing Curiosity: Maintaining a sense of curiosity throughout the amends process deepens its impact and fosters personal growth. - Closing Thoughts: Amy encourages listeners to embrace their inherent worth and newfound freedom as they embark on the journey of Step 8, reminding them that they are not alone in their quest for recovery.   Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: #EternallyAmy #Step8 #12StepProgram #RecoveryJourney #SelfForgiveness #Healing #PersonalGrowth #Sobriety #Relationships #SelfWorth #SelfCare #EternallyAmy #Recovery
Embracing Failure: A Writer's Journey with Stephen Marche
Embracing Failure: A Writer's Journey with Stephen Marche
In this episode, Amy delves into the world of writing with novelist and essayist Stephen Marche. Stephen shares insights from his book On Writing and Failure, discussing the unique perseverance required to endure the life of a writer. From personal anecdotes to historical narratives, Stephen's reflections offer a refreshing perspective on the challenges and triumphs of the writing process. Discover why failure is an integral part of success and how embracing it can lead to growth and fulfillment in your creative journey. Key Points: Introduction to Stephen Marsh: Learn about Stephen's background as a novelist and essayist, including his acclaimed work On Writing and Failure.Collaboration with AI: Explore Stephen's groundbreaking collaboration with artificial intelligence in creating the first AI-generated novel, Death of an Author.Insights on Failure: Delve into Stephen's personal experiences with rejection and perseverance, highlighting the importance of resilience in the face of adversity.Writing Process: Gain valuable insights into Stephen's writing process and his approach to handling criticism and feedback.Redefining Success: Discover how Stephen's definition of success evolved over time, emphasizing the importance of staying true to one's creative vision.Lessons from Baseball: Explore parallels between writing and baseball, where failure is an inherent part of the game and a catalyst for growth.   Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify:  Learn more about On Writing and Failure: Hashtags For This Episode: #WritingJourney #EmbracingFailure #CreativeResilience #AuthorInsights #ArtificialIntelligence #LiterarySuccess #Perseverance #WritingProcess #CreativeVision #PodcastEpisode
Sober is the New Cool: A Journey of Empowerment with Kim Bellas
Sober is the New Cool: A Journey of Empowerment with Kim Bellas
In this episode, we dive into a heartwarming conversation with Kim Bellas, the founder of "Sober is the New Cool." Kim shares her inspiring journey of sobriety, which began as a commitment to support her son, Matthew, through his epilepsy diagnosis. From personal challenges to societal pressures, Kim's story illuminates the transformative power of self-discovery and connection. Key Points: The Journey Begins: Kim's sobriety journey started when her son, Matthew, was diagnosed with epilepsy at 13. Committed to supporting him, Kim began her path to sobriety, initially committing to three months without alcohol.Navigating Social Pressures: Kim faced unexpected social pressures as she abstained from drinking, realizing the challenges of navigating a world that often glamorizes alcohol consumption.Sober is the New Cool: Kim's personal challenge evolved into the creation of "Sober is the New Cool." She empowers individuals to recognize their self-worth and prioritize their well-being, challenging societal norms around drinking. The Power of Connection: Through supportive relationships and daily messages of hope, Kim helps others rediscover forgotten qualities and find their unique paths to sobriety. Connection is emphasized as key to hope, health, and happiness. Matthew's Journey: Kim shares the challenges and triumphs of supporting her son through his epilepsy diagnosis. His journey underscores the importance of self-discovery and resilience in the face of adversity. The "I Am" Exercise: Kim introduces the "I Am" exercise, aimed at empowering individuals to recognize and celebrate their positive qualities. Through simple daily affirmations, Kim fosters self-empowerment and confidence.   Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Explore Amy’s Books: Visit Amy’s Website: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: Learn more about Sober Is The New Cool: #SoberIsTheNewCool #Empowerment #SobrietyJourney #SelfDiscovery #CommunitySupport #Inspiration #MentalHealthAwareness #AddictionRecovery #Connection #PositiveAffirmations #EternallyAmy #Recovery
102. From Rock Bottom to Recovery Author: Michele W. Miller's Journey
102. From Rock Bottom to Recovery Author: Michele W. Miller's Journey
In this episode, Amy welcomes guest Michele W. Miller, an attorney and bestselling author, who courageously shares her journey of overcoming addiction, incarceration, and rebuilding her life. - Michele is an attorney and author of four published novels. - She is 34 years sober after battling a cocaine and heroin addiction that led her to jails, institutions, and near-death experiences. - Michele graduated from NYU Law School and became a lawyer at 22, facing a 15-to-life sentence for drug possession by age 25 under New York's Rockefeller Law. Despite avoiding prison in that case, she was disbarred for nine years due to a felony conviction. - In recovery, she regained her law license and worked as a public interest lawyer, later serving as NYC's chief government ethics prosecutor. - Currently, she is the General Counsel for The Fortune Society, helping the formerly incarcerated with re-entry services. - Michele continues to attend meetings and assist others in overcoming addiction. - She resides in Upper Manhattan, where her novels are often set, with her husband, twin sons, two cats, and a large dog. - Represented by Writers House, her novels have been published by Blackstone Publishing and Crooked Lane Books. - Her books have received accolades such as being named "Best of 2019" by Strand Magazine and a semi-finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards. - Publishers Weekly praises her latest novel, "THE LOWER POWER," as a "superbly written tale of urban survivors fighting to save themselves once more." Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify:   Learn more about Michele and buy her books at Hashtags For This Episode: EternallyAmy, RecoveryJourney, MentalHealthAdvocacy, AddictionRecovery, Resilience, Inspiration Author   #EternallyAmy #RecoveryJourney #MentalHealthAdvocacy #AddictionRecovery #Resilience #Inspiration #author
Part 3: Writing and Failure
Part 3: Writing and Failure
For authors and aspiring authors! This is part 3 in the podcast series inspired by the book “On Writing and Failure” by Stephen Marche. In this part-three episode, Amy discusses the importance of embracing change and evolving perspectives, especially in creative endeavors like writing. Drawing from her own experiences as a best-selling author and mental health advocate. She delves into the nuances of communication through words and the intricacies of conveying messages, inviting listeners to reflect on the notion of failure in writing and offering a fresh perspective on success.  With her signature mix of anecdotes, quotes, and personal reflections, Amy encourages writers to stay true to their voices and embraces the diverse interpretations of readers, reminding us of the human connection at the heart of storytelling.  A must-listen to episode to be inspired and empowered as you embark on your journey as an author.  Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Amy’s Website: Follow Amy on Social: Writing and Failure by Stephen Marche:   Hashtags For This Episode: GrowthMindset, Resilience, CreativeJourney, EmbracingChange, Criticism, PersonalGrowth, PositiveOutlook, ThankYouNext, EternallyAmy, WritingAndFailure, PodcastReflections #GrowthMindset #Resilience #CreativeJourney #EmbracingChange #Criticism #PersonalGrowth #PositiveOutlook #ThankYouNext #EternallyAmy #WritingAndFailure #PodcastReflections
Part 2: Writing and Failure
Part 2: Writing and Failure
For authors and aspiring authors! Don’t miss this new series of episodes inspired by the book “On Writing and Failure” by Stephen Marche. In this part-two episode, Amy shares candid thoughts on handling criticism, finding positivity in creative pursuits, and embracing the challenges of the writing journey.   Drawing from her own experiences as a best-selling author and mental health advocate. She delves into the nuances of communication through words and the intricacies of conveying messages, inviting listeners to reflect on the notion of failure in writing and offering a fresh perspective on success.    With her signature mix of anecdotes, quotes, and personal reflections, Amy encourages writers to stay true to their voices and embraces the diverse interpretations of readers, reminding us of the human connection at the heart of storytelling.    A must-listen to episode to be inspired and empowered as you embark on your journey as an author.  Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Amy’s Website: Follow Amy on Social: Writing and Failure by Stephen Marche:   Hashtags For This Episode: WritingJourney, FailureAndSuccess, CreativeProcess, Resilience, Authenticity, PositiveCriticism, SelfDiscovery, WritingCommunity, PodcastRecommendation   #WritingJourney #FailureAndSuccess #CreativeProcess #Resilience #Authenticity #PositiveCriticism #SelfDiscovery #WritingCommunity #PodcastRecommendation
Step 11: Seeking Through Prayer and Meditation - The 12 Steps for Anyone Who Wants them
Step 11: Seeking Through Prayer and Meditation - The 12 Steps for Anyone Who Wants them
In this episode of "Eternally Amy," your host, Amy Liz Harrison, takes you on a journey through Step 11 of the 12-step program.  Step 11 involves seeking through prayer and meditation to improve conscious contact with a higher power. Amy discusses the power of pausing when agitated, embracing humility, and becoming a channel of peace. In this episode, we also talked about: Step 11 Introduction: Emphasis on prayer and meditation. Monthly Recap: Quick transition from powerlessness to seeking a higher power. Exploring the Big Book: Emphasis on prayer, seeking guidance, and clearing wrong motives. Prayer of St. Francis: Powerful guide for seeking harmony, forgiveness, and understanding. Practice of Pause: Introduction to pausing for thoughtful responses over impulsive reactions. Efficiency through Spiritual Fitness: Gaining efficiency through spiritual fitness, shifting to serenity. Closing Thoughts: Reflection on transformative power of seeking, praying, and meditating. Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: Hashtags For This Episode: EternallyAmy #Step11, PrayerAndMeditation, SerenitySeeking, SpiritualJourney, 12StepProgram, MentalHealthAdvocate, PodcastHope #EternallyAmy #Step11 #PrayerAndMeditation #SerenitySeeking #SpiritualJourney #12StepProgram #MentalHealthAdvocate #PodcastHope
Breaking Free: From Religious Mold to Authentic Spirituality
Breaking Free: From Religious Mold to Authentic Spirituality
In this episode, Amy Liz Harrison welcomes Lorinda Boyer, author of "Straight Enough," to discuss Lorinda's journey from a strict Christian upbringing to finding her authentic self. Lorinda shares her experiences, starting with a pivotal moment when her husband's infidelity led to a loss of their home, prompting her to question her beliefs and embrace her true identity. The conversation explores the challenges of navigating sexuality within a fundamentalist Christian context, the liberating power of authenticity, and the shift from organized religion to a more personal and evolving spirituality. In this episode, we also talked about: Lorinda's strict Christian upbringing and the internal conflict it caused. Turning point: Loss of home and husband's infidelity sparked Lorinda's journey to self-discovery. Struggles with reconciling sexual identity in a fundamentalist Christian context. Embracing authenticity: Lorinda's choice to live true to herself brought genuine joy. Transitioning from organized religion to personal, evolving spirituality. Reflection on limitations of rigid religious beliefs and the importance of embracing change. Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Find Linda’s Book Here: Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: Hashtags For This Episode: BreakingFree, Authenticity, SpiritualityJourney, SelfDiscovery, ReligionVsSpirituality, PodcastInterview, LGBTQIA+, PersonalGrowth, EvolvingBeliefs #BreakingFree #Authenticity #SpiritualityJourney #SelfDiscovery #ReligionVsSpirituality #PodcastInterview #LGBTQIA+ #PersonalGrowth #EvolvingBeliefs
Embracing Sobriety and Authenticity
Embracing Sobriety and Authenticity
Join Amy in this episode of "Eternally Amy" as she interviews author Erica C. Barnett, a journalist and veteran in the world of writing and publishing. Erica, a local in Seattle, shares her journey of sobriety, focusing on her memoir, Quitter: A Memoir of Drinking, Relapse, and Recovery. The conversation delves into the struggles of addiction, the impact on relationships, and the transformative power of recovery. In this episode, we also talked about: Erica's Sobriety Journey: Erica outlines her journey, battling alcoholism. Redefining Rock Bottom: Amy and Erica challenge the notion of a "rock bottom." Transformation in Relationships: Discussion on alcohol's impact on relationships. Discovering Authenticity: Exploration of authenticity in sobriety. Embracing Vulnerability and Relapse: Amy applauds Erica's vulnerability. Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: Hashtags For This Episode: EternallyAmy, SobrietyJourney, QuitterMemoir, AddictionRecovery, AuthenticityInSobriety, RockBottomRealities, RelationshipsInRecovery, EmbracingVulnerability, PersistingThroughRelapse, RecoveryIsPossible EternallyAmy #SobrietyJourney #QuitterMemoir #AddictionRecovery #AuthenticityInSobriety #RockBottomRealities #RelationshipsInRecovery #EmbracingVulnerability #PersistingThroughRelapse #RecoveryIsPossible
Throwback Episode: Navigating Work, Parenthood, and Wisdom Nuggets with Dorothy Reed
Throwback Episode: Navigating Work, Parenthood, and Wisdom Nuggets with Dorothy Reed
Note: This is a podcast episode throwback to a 2019 conversation, however the message is still a relevant one today! Join Amy Liz Harrison in a candid conversation with Dorothy Reed, a full-time working mom who has mastered the art of balancing career and family. Dorothy shares insights into her unique job, managing spreadsheets, and how she orchestrates her work life from the comfort of her home. From handling conferences to parenting challenges, Dorothy's approach to flexible scheduling provides a refreshing perspective on the modern working mom. In this episode, we also talked about: Dorothy's role: auditing large insurance policies, allowing remote work with a flexible schedule. Balancing act: Navigating parenting, work commitments, and unexpected challenges. Dorothy's preference for flexibility over a heavily planned schedule. Unveiling creativity: Finding order and predictability in seemingly structured tasks. Juggling work and family events, occasional challenges in managing travel. Team dynamics: Dorothy's unique work environment, collaborating across different states. Chaos of managing work, parenting, and home remodeling, with occasional mishaps. Reflecting on pivoting strategies when faced with unforeseen circumstances. Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: Hashtags For This Episode: WorkingMomLife, RemoteWork, CareerAndParenting, FlexibleScheduling, WisdomNuggets, ModernParenthood, LifeBalance, PodcastChat, CareerInsights #WorkingMomLife #RemoteWork #CareerAndParenting #FlexibleScheduling #WisdomNuggets #ModernParenthood #LifeBalance #PodcastChat #CareerInsights
Casey Davidson on Sobriety, Motherhood, and Building a Life You Love Without Alcohol
Casey Davidson on Sobriety, Motherhood, and Building a Life You Love Without Alcohol
In this episode of Eternally Amy, host Amy Liz Harrison welcomes Casey Davidson, the host of the Hello Sunday podcast for sober curious women, boasting 1.2 million downloads. Amy introduces Casey as an inspiring individual with a magnetic energy, sharing her journey from a red wine enthusiast to an advocate helping busy women stop drinking and create fulfilling lives without alcohol. Casey's story unfolds through her experiences climbing the corporate ladder, navigating motherhood, and ultimately finding sobriety. In this episode, we also talked about: College Awakening: Casey's rugby days are a crash course in problem drinking. Mommy Wine Culture: In Seattle, Casey juggles alcohol, motherhood, and a corporate career in the "mommy wine culture." Moderation Struggle: Concerned about drinking, Casey faces a growing problem with moderation rules. Turning Point: A memory-shaking realization propels Casey on the journey to sobriety. Sobriety Path: Casey shares her journey, featuring a 100-day challenge and support from a vital coach. Life Coaching: Amy explores Casey's role, helping women quit drinking and overcome real-time challenges. Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: Hashtags For This Episode: EternallyAmyPodcast, CollegeDrinking, MommyWineCulture, ModerationStruggles, TurningPoint, SobrietyJourney, LifeCoaching, RealTimeChallenges, AlcoholFreeLiving, SobrietyCoach, WomenInSobriety #EternallyAmyPodcast #CollegeDrinking #MommyWineCulture #ModerationStruggles #TurningPoint #SobrietyJourney #LifeCoaching #RealTimeChallenges #AlcoholFreeLiving #SobrietyCoach #WomenInSobriety
Beyond the Bottle: A Journey of Sobriety with Maz Compton
Beyond the Bottle: A Journey of Sobriety with Maz Compton
Welcome to the latest episode of "Eternally Amy," hosted by Amy Liz Harrison. Amy Liz Harrison sits down with the incredible Maz Compton, former MTV personality turned wellness coach, fitness studio owner, and sobriety advocate. Maz shares her inspiring journey from the glitz of the media world, traveling the globe and interviewing celebrities, to her personal struggle with alcohol and the transformative decision to embrace sobriety. Maz provides valuable insights into her self-discovery process and offers practical tips for navigating social situations without alcohol. Join the conversation as they discuss the power of giving oneself permission and the ongoing journey of progressive revelation in sobriety. In this episode, we also talked about: Maz's background in media, MTV, and her transition to health and wellness. The turning point: Recognizing the negative impact of alcohol on her life. The experiment of sobriety: Maz's one-month challenge and the life-changing results. Navigating social situations without alcohol: The clutch purse hack and concise responses. The power of self-discovery in sobriety: Finding a new identity and giving oneself permission. Sobriety as a progressive revelation: Learning and growing through the journey. Hosted by Amy Liz Harrison Buy Amy’s Books: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe on Spotify: Hashtags For This Episode: Eternally Amy Podcast, #SobrietyJourney #WellnessWarrior #SelfDiscovery #BeyondTheBottle #EternallyAmy #MazCompton #Inspiration #HealthAndWellness #MindfulLiving #ProgressiveRevelation #PodcastInterview