Dar Pan #41 | The Wisdom Of Insecurity | July 2023
Cultivate The Art Of Not Knowing. Address The Elephant In The Room. What Is The Illness In The West? How Deeply Do We Embody Love, Care, Respect, Generosity, Happiness And Sharing? Have You Lost Your Connection To Divine Spirit?
We are at an end game politically, psychologically, economically, religiously, monetarily, with no exit. What is being called for in the west, is a reclaiming of the original vision which is our birthright. We are in a hall of mirrors and all we are seeing is a lot of overwhelming distorted reflections. Any attempt to work it out with the mind is doomed to failure.
Catching up with Dar Pan for a power hour of insights from his epic three month pigrimage across Nepal, Bhutan, India, as he shares his homecoming with his dear friend and mentor Choeze Kuchen Rinpoche. Then onto the harmonic initiation visiting the temples, great pyramid and sacred sites of Egypt and then through to South Africa and Namibia.
If you havent listened to the two previous conversations with Dar Pan, I invite you to bookmark them and jump on the awakening train; Dar Pan #6 & Dar Pan #19 & Dar Pan #32
I have been listenting to Dar Pans voice for several years through his audio transmission; "Metamorphosis, Something deep within life is changing." and his latest one in 2019; "A New Vision, We live in extraordinary times." both these transmissions have been core anchors for me to navigate through this poignant stage in the evolution of humanity. I thoroughly recommend diving into these and reading the transcripts I have shared on the links.
Dar Pan is an inspirational speaker and gifted musician weaving 30 years of experience in music, healing, and the shamanic arts to create a unique transmission that inspires, enlivens and transforms. Bringing people together to create an unambiguous experience of our common Source is the intention, which inspires his work. A skillful blend of ceremony, song, meditation and celebration are the means by which he achieves the goal. He spent several years studying the art of meditation in India with the enlightened mystic Osho, and later lived and worked with various shamans and healers in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. He is also deeply influenced by Tibetan Bhuddist and Taoist philosophy. More from DarPan; and on Soundcloud
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