Peppi Gauci #32 | Use Permaculture Tools To Design Your Life

Simon Transparently Podcast

06-09-2022 • 47 mins

What Do You Want To Birth Into Existence? Let Natures Mastery Teach Us How To Live Symbiotically. 
Partake In The Birth Of A New Humanity. + "Permaculture is not just about cultivating organic food. It’s a tool box with a broad array of tools for anything involving human activities." + "Permaculture helps us to be more connected and aware and how to uncover which switches need to be tuned into the frequencies needed to co-create with nature and build something with solid foundations." 

 + "Permaculture can influence our way forward into being more consciously aware and active in a symbiotic way with nature; with this knowing, we can co-create the garden of eden so many of us dream of." Permaculture sucked me in with a big WOW; why didn’t we learn this as a subject at school because it just brought everything together for me. It made sense why I learned all the other subjects, It’s an integration philosophy, it also pools in the people power into building resources together. ~ Peppi Gauci. Peppi is an experienced ecological designer, a certified permaculturist, alternative farmer, teacher, consultant, and also the founder of the Permaculture Research Foundation for Malta. He is the visionary behind the Bahrija Oasis project Malta which was an ambitious permaculture project. He has recently ignited the vision for Zee Barn bio-collective, a holistic project born out of love for living simply in balance with Mother Nature. Zee Barn brings a collection of practices and disciplines that nurture life in its fullness. More from Peppi Gauci

Living In The Gift All of my podcasts are given in the spirit of the Gift Economy. This means you get to receive the value this offers you and then feel into your heart and decide what contribution you can gift from your heart to mine. I trust in the circulation of the unconditional giving chain of reciprocity and live by the motto: The more I give, the more i’ve got to give.

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