24: Being CTO While Navigating a Disability with Pleo’s CTO, Meri Williams

Leaders Unscripted

12-09-2023 • 48 mins

When your identity is so strongly focused around leadership, anything that challenges your identity can be a world-altering experience.

Pleo’s Meri Williams has been through the reinvention of her leadership style after her Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome diagnosis, cementing her role as a self-empathetic CTO.

Meri joins me on Leaders Unscripted to discuss the balance of her CTO role with her diagnosis, and her wisdom for those finding themselves newly diagnosed while leading.

This episode covers:

  • The notable challenges of a CTO role
  • Balancing logistics with emotions
  • Harnessing the collective excellence of an engineering team
  • Meri’s numerous medical conditions, and changing her leadership style to suit
  • Offering a more valuable version of yourself less frequently
  • Making a mental change to handle pain & suffering

Visit Suzan's website: https://www.constellaryhq.com/