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Horror Homos
Matt Beresford
Horror Homos is an LGBTQ+ Horror podcast in which Matt and Alex dissect and discuss the horror genre. From Spirits to slashers, to gays and ghosts. Join us, it'll be a scream.
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Halloween Kills Roast
Black cats and goblins and broomsticks and ghosts.Covens of witches with all of their hopes.You may think they scare me. You’re probably right.Black cats and goblins on Halloween night.Trick or treat! Join us on this mediocre trip to Haddonfield.
Halloween Kills Roast
Black cats and goblins and broomsticks and ghosts.Covens of witches with all of their hopes.You may think they scare me. You’re probably right.Black cats and goblins on Halloween night.Trick or treat! Join us on this mediocre trip to Haddonfield.
Jaws 3D is camp.
Grab your speedo's because we going swimming. Join us for an amazing crazy new episode of Horror Homos. Expect sharks, whales and gays. Don't forget to rate the pod!!!
Let's talk A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Dream warriors assemble! It's time to talk about the f**ckin DREAM WARRIORS. The best nightmare film and we will fight a bitch if anyone disagrees. Don't forget to rate and share this episode and help us find other Dream warriors!!
Let's talk Final Destination 3
Welcome back to another episode of Horror Homos. Today we are talking about an iconic film Final Destination 3. Grab your hot pink tracksuits and strap in for this roller coaster episode.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022 Review
Yas Daddy Leatherface returns to destroy some bussy. Oh yeah and Sally is there too. Who will survive? And what will be left of them.
Scream 2022 Review
It's always someone you blow....WE ARE BACK BITCHES! We Halloween resurrected ourselves back to life to put our 10p in and discuss the horror film of the year SCREAM 5
Scream 2022 trailer discussion and killer theories!
Heyyyy we are back with a new episode talking about the upcoming Scream 5 ekkk. Join us for a special scream themed week where we will be discussing all 4 films in detail! Grab your lemon squares and let’s go to woodsboro!
Scream 5 is actually about Scream 3??
Welcome to a new addition to Horror Homos! H20 is literally about anything. Today we talk everything, Scream 5, TV shows, and more random topics! Brace yourself, the gays are coming.
Whatever Floats Your Boat! IT (1990) VS IT (2017 & 2019)
We are back in Derry Maine for a new episode! Today we discuss all things Pennywise while discussing everything Stephen Kings IT! Grab a paper boat and some fortune cookies because we are going down in the sewers! Sit back and enjoy the ride!TW: Discussions of Homophobia and Assult.
Scream 3 VS Scream 4
Hey we are back! Today we discuss everything SCREAM! From Ghostface to Gale Weathers and Scream 5. Join us and bring your lemon squares!