Adventures in Self-Publishing


Have you ever thought of writing a book? Need to know where to start and what it takes to go from concept to published book? Then this is the podcast for you. We'll be talking about how to get started on writing, editing, beta readers, ISBNs and much more. As well, there will be special guests and author interviews to share their adventures in publishing. read less


Jason Shapiro - on his new book, overcoming tragedy, and healing
Jason Shapiro - on his new book, overcoming tragedy, and healing
Hello, I hope you're safe, healthy, and staying positive. For all the dads out there, I also hope you had an incredible Father’s Day. Mine was one that I will never forget. I had the opportunity to announce the publication of my latest book Lunch with Larry - A second chance to say goodbye. This is a story about meeting my dad for one last lunch. Let me explain: Some might be aware that my father passed away from injuries sustained in a car accident on March 11th 2013. He was less than a mile away from his home. I visited with him the day before the accident, so the shock and disbelief I experienced haunts me to this day. For years the regret of never having the opportunity to say goodbye, has been difficult to live with. Since heaven doesn’t have a phone, I decided to write what it may be like if I was to meet my dad for one final lunch. The story is set at his favorite diner in New York City. This encounter ends up being anything, but an ordinary lunch. While at the diner, a friendship is struck between myself and my waitress. This character was inspired by a wonderful woman I worked with years ago, by the name of Kathy. Tragically, Kathy passed away from a rare type of Breast Cancer at the age of 43. I have decided to donate 100% of the profits from this book to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in memory of Kathy, for the next month. Please take a moment to view the book trailer. If you would like to grab a copy (or two) of Lunch with Larry, I have included the amazon link below. Book Trailer Link - Amazon Link to Purchase -
Author Cait Moore talks Lake City Ninja Girl!
Author Cait Moore talks Lake City Ninja Girl!
Today Author Cait Moore is joining us to talk about her debut novel Lake City Ninja Girl. She's also going to give us a glimpse into what's coming up in her writing, family, and dealing with it all in today's turbulent times.  Lake City Ninja Girl: Driven mad by poverty, the death of her father, and the ruthless streets of North Seattle’s Lake City, twelve-year-old Gabriela Urieta puts on her ski-mask at night and becomes Ninja Girl. In her own mind, she’s a superhero—the only hope for cleaning up her neighborhood. In reality, she’s a sixth-grader who drugs her little brother to sleep so she can sneak out at night and rob criminals.Using money taken from her victims, Gaby hires a transient as her sidekick, naming him “Wallman.” Together they get lost in her comic-book fantasy. But before long, Ninja Girl and her family find themselves in all sorts of danger.She’s small, she’s angry, she’s trained in mixed martial arts—and she’s only twelve.  Cait Moore, studied commerce and law in Australia and pursued her career in the capital markets in London.  Since she was knee high to a kangaroo, she’s harboured a deep love for the written word.  Her fervent belief in the “one” has led her to explore in her fiction, what binds two hearts and souls.   Hers, belongs to her husband, author, Michael J Moore.   Follow her at and Social Link to Book: