Why is there such a disconnect between who we want to be and what we actually do? In this second of two conversations with Ger Jones of Vintage Church LA, John Mark and Ger discuss the practice of contemplation. John Mark argues that we overestimate the ability of willpower and insight to change us. Instead, he offers us three doorways into the practice of contemplation and practical suggestions for integrating this practice in our lives.
You can read more in the expanded hardcover edition of John Mark’s book God Has a Name, now available wherever books are sold.
Key Scripture Passage: 2 Corinthians 3v18
This podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for this episode goes to: Jana from Richardson, Texas; Janet from Liberty Lake, Washington; Allysa from Nipomo, California; Ryan from Dallas, Texas; and Anita from Anchorage, Alaska. Thank you all so much!
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