EP32 Australian singer-song writer Hein Cooper

Treading Lightly Podcast

02-11-2021 • 1 hr 11 mins

In this episode, we have Australian singer-song writer Hein Cooper on to share where he's at now that he's planted some roots here on the South Coast NSW after so much time touring abroad.

Speaking to the highs and lows that a demanding touring schedule brings, to now where Covid has forced him to take a step back and actually relax which has triggered more of a creative flow for him to write music...so expect some more bangin tracks to come from this man!

We even talk about his close encounter with a great white shark!

We hope you enjoy this episode and please like and share it with your friends!

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Treading Lightly

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Hein Cooper

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/heincoopermusic
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/heincooper/