EP35 Matt and Haley from OurTown

Treading Lightly Podcast

06-05-2022 • 34 mins

Our Town is a not-for-profit organisation aimed at providing festivals for the future that are waste free and that support local communities.

Haley and Matt came on to share their story on how Ourtown came to be, the dream behind it, and the upcoming event on the 4th June 3 PM-10 PM.

Support this awesome crew who donate so much of their time to organise these events for the community by heading to www.ourtownfestivals.com.au and getting your tickets today!

Please help spread the message by sharing this episode with your friends and family.

Take a snapshot of your phone screen while listening to the show and post to Instagram with #treadinglightlyinc

Treading Lightly

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/TreadingLightlyInc/
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/treading_lightly_inc/
Web         | https://www.tlinc.org.au

Our Town

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/ourtownfestivals/
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/ourtownfestivals/
Web         |https://www.ourtownfestivals.com.au/