Moonlight Audio Theatre

Moonlight Audio Theatre

Your Portal to the Best in Modern Audio Drama Mystery, Horror, Suspense, Drama, Comedy, Sci-Fi and Special Features. read less

Our Editor's Take

The Moonlight Audio Theatre podcast is a medley of classic and modern audio dramas. The podcast is one of the pioneers of the re-emergence of radio dramas. These became almost nonexistent when TV programming became popular in the 1950s. Thanks to podcasters like David Farquhar, audio theater has re-emerged. The podcast attracts listeners from many countries. The stories fall across mystery, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, and other genres


Canadian producer Farquhar started the podcast in 2011. He released twelve free downloadable dramas. His goal then was for Moonlight Audio Theatre to be the hub for the best audio dramas. The early content came from his production company, Voices in the Wind Audio Theatre. He has since expanded to include content from other audio drama companies from different parts of the world. That element makes the podcast a depot for diverse and entertaining dramas.

The voice actors on Moonlight Audio Theatre come from different countries. These include the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. They give life to famous characters from Sherlock Holmes to Jane Eyre. Tom Konkle is one such actor who appears in many episodes of the podcast. He also writes, produces, and directs some of the dramas.

Some featured stories are Blood Has Sticky Fingers and Wuthering Heights. Others include 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, Anything to Oblige, and The Day of the Martians. Some episodes feature classics from as far back as the 1920s.

Farquhar curates the best audio stories to showcase on the podcast. Regardless of the era of the stories, each one offers an immersive experience. The music, dialogue, and sound effects combined make each episode enjoyable. Whether going on a long drive or taking a break from TV, Moonlight Audio Theatre may entertain for hours.

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PROJECT AUDION 56 - Jack Benny/James Stewart
PROJECT AUDION 56 - Jack Benny/James Stewart
PROJECT AUDION EPISODE 56 - The Jack Benny Program w/guest star James Stewart (orig. rel. 6/14/24) Project Audion once again brings you laughs, with an all-new original episode of the Jack Benny Program sponsored by Lucky Strike cigarettes. This Audion Original was written for us by former Bob Hope staff writer Robert L. Mills. Jack Benny was his childhood comedy inspiration, and once again Mr. Mills has recreated that classic Benny style and humor so faithfully, it's like discovering a lost episode! This week, Jack has snagged Jimmy Stewart as his guest star, so the Benny gang (Mary Livingston, Dennis Day, Phil Harris, Mel Blanc, and the rest) can stage their send-up of the Alfred Hitchcock film "The Man Who Knew Too Much." Also, after a trying violin lesson with Professor LeBlanc, Jack faces a tax audit which requires a trip to the IRS to explain some of his more mysterious deductions. Performing live in our virtual Zoom studio, our coast-to-coast cast and crew once again capture the sound of the Benny show right down to the studio audience. Tune in and join in the laughter!   JOHN BELL (as Jack) In Alabama SCOTT MCKINLEY (as James Stewart) in New Jersey ANGELA YOUNG (as Mary) in Florida PAUL PATTERSON (as Rochester) in Georgia PETE LUTZ (as Mel Blanc/Phil Harris) in Texas  BOB BEAUMONT (as Dennis Day/Frank Nelson) in California  RACHEL PULLIAM (as child) in Missouri  KEN JEFFRIES (as Don Wilson) in California LARRY GROEBE produced and directed from Texas