Creating Stability in Your Practice

The No BS Dental Growth Podcast

15-02-2023 • 23 mins

If you're looking to ensure a solid foundation and future growth for your dental practice, don't miss today's episode of the No BS Dental Marketing Podcast. Dr. Paul Goodman - aka "Dr. Nachos" - has some invaluable advice to help you sharpen your strategy!

Dr. Goodman has some valuable advice for dental professionals - to ensure success, it's essential to develop core business skills and evaluate one's personality type before committing to start a practice or starting from scratch.

Additionally, investing in marketing is key as ever-changing corporate trends require dentists to stay ahead of the competition with strong relationships among their peers.

Lastly, what is his top-pick book recommendation? The E-Myth Revisited – is an invaluable resource packed full of procedures that anyone can easily learn!

With these tips, Dr. Goodman is confident any dental professional can become a successful business owner and leader in the industry. He believes the key is to keep learning and adapting and create a plan that works best for you!

With a bit of hard work and dedication, it’s possible to achieve big things. So take the plunge and turn your dreams into reality! Be sure to give Dr. Goodman’s advice a try – success awaits you in the dental profession.

Other subjects we covered on the show:

  • We get to know how Dr, Nachos finds time to do all he does since he runs his own practice and is also a practice broker.
  • Dr. Goodman dives deep into the pressing issues facing dentistry in modern times, offering insight and advice on how to tackle these challenges head-on.
  • He also provided perspective on ensuring a successful hiring and retention process, offering insights to make the most of your team.
  • Lastly, he shares other morale issues that dentists are facing in the industry today.

AND MORE TOPICS COVERED IN THE FULL INTERVIEW!!! You can check that out and subscribe at

If you want to know more about Dr. Paul Goodman, you may reach out to him at:

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