Google Local Service Ads Arrive for Dentists - A Game-Changer for Local Marketing!

The No BS Dental Growth Podcast

03-02-2023 • 12 mins

Looking to revamp your dental practice's marketing? Don't miss this episode of the No BS Dental Marketing Podcast! Chris Pistorius shines a light on how Google's innovative local search ads can help you reach new heights by attracting and retaining patients. Get up-to-speed today - tune in now for an essential listen!

With local search ads by Google, dentists no longer have to worry about wasting money on ineffective marketing strategies. The pay-per-lead model allows them to target only interested customers who are likely to come into the practice, drastically improving their ROI.

As a bonus, these local service ads rank higher than regular Google Ads, making it easier for dentists to get noticed by local customers and increase their lead rate.

To be eligible for these local ads, practices must meet certain requirements such as having an updated Certificate of Insurance, a background check by Google, and a valid doctor's license number.

This process has gained trust among consumers who know these local businesses have been through an extensive screening process by Google before being accepted.

Other subjects we covered on the show:

  • Why you should take advantage of Google's new local search ads service for dentists.
  • How Google’s local search ads can help your practice increase production this year 2023.
  • Lastly, I’ve also shared the SOP document about local service ads, and if you want a copy email me at

AND MORE TOPICS COVERED IN THE FULL INTERVIEW!!! You can check that out and subscribe at

If you want to know more about Chris, you may reach out to him at:

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