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Best of Ambient

Curated by Amazon's music experts.

Great atmospheric ambient tracks from yesterday and today.


1Drift (Remastered 2005)2Weightless3Horizon of Appearances4Pop 15May 04 Two6Driftwood Collage7Vow892982.39Mullholland10Bloom: Living World [Amazon Music Original]11Open The Light12#313Signals14R (AD 106)15Radiance16part i - altar17I Can Almost See You18Postscript19ふわっと202/2 (Remastered 2004)21A Lake22Something in Tears23Catalina 194324Dream City25Energy (Edit)26Motion And Emotion27Ice Copy28Drift29The Ancient Day (High Definition Remaster)30Atomos VII31Lapse32Höre, der du wagst33Lightness Of Being34First Dream Called Ocean35Under Orion36Soft Embers37dlp 2.138The Depths39Innri Ró40A Meaningful Moment Through a Meaning(less) Process41The Point of It All42Le Jardin De Barbican43A Paler Sky44Only in the Dark45Corsair46The Sun XIX47Shelter48Deep Mystery49H2050The Mouthchew51An Ending (Ascent) (Remastered 2005)52An Ocean on the Moon5312 Hours Before54Forest Trails55Boreal Kiss Pt. 156Mysterium57Lueena Coast58La mort du loup (Remastered)59Slow Collapse60Delirium Hums61Going to Sleep62Angle of List63Reflecting Light64Farewell Fire65The Unquestioned Answer66Zauberberg 167Eyelids Gently Dreaming68Tallkrona69Articulate Silences, Pt. 270Northern Lights71Essence