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Curated by Amazon's Music Experts

Bambini Lingo English - Italian

Curated by Amazon's Music Experts

Bambini Lingo English - Italian


1TicToc It’s time to say Hello2Tic-Tac, è tempo di salutare’3Can you sing like the animals sing?4Sai cantare come gli animali?5Oh I’ve got a body6Questo e’ il mio corpo7Pic Pic Picnic8Pic Pic Picnic9So many colours10Quanti colori!11Let’s sing the numbers12Contiamo i numeri13We’re going on a safari14Partiamo per un safari15Quiet time16Shh, shh...17Are we there yet?18Siamo arrivati?19Open the door20Apri la porta21The Tidy Up Rock22E tempo di riordinare23I can, we can, you can.24Posso, possiamo, puoi25TicToc It’s time to say Goodbye26Tic-Tac, è tempo di dire ciao27TicToc It’s time to say Hello (Instrumental)28Can you sing like the animals sing? (Instrumental)29Oh I’ve got a body (Instrumental)30Pic Pic Picnic (Instrumental)31So many colours (Instrumental)32Let’s sing the numbers (Instrumental)33We’re going on a safari (Instrumental)34Quiet time (Instrumental)35Are we there yet? (Instrumental)36Open the door (Instrumental)37The Tidy Up Rock (Instrumental)38I can, we can, you can. (Instrumental)39TicToc It’s time to say Goodbye (Instrumental)