1Latex (With Melody Rev Edit Cut)
23456Lighter Clarity (120 u 4)
789Mama Blues (Live Edit Cut 60 Rev)
101112Rock Crowing (Radio Vrs.)
13Batteriologico (Radio Vrs.)
1415161718Vocal Melody (Radio Vrs.)
19Loaded (Radio Vrs. With Melody)
202122Indianapolis (Break Down Cut)
232425Romantic Dinner (Detune Version)
26On Manchester Bridge (Crystal Modulated Version)
27Go Up To The Hill (Edit Cut 60 Rev)
2829303132333435Make The Boom Boom (Edit Cut 60)
363738394041Argentina Is Not Far (Edit Cut 60 Rev)
4243When Girls Come (Edit Cut 60 Rev)
444546474849 ℗© 2022 Symphonya Records